View Full Version : Having a blip, bf doesn't understand, upped dose of venlafaxine, feel poo!

03-07-11, 11:47
Says it all in the title really. I had a blip yesterday, I'd felt it coming all week and it was awful. I feel better today but my boyfriend thinks he's done something wrong or that I don't really like him or something. I know it must be hard to understand something you can't even begin to imagine but I do love him, he makes a difference and I need that. I just don't know where to begin and how to explain it all :weep:

I feel like I'm in abit of a bubble, trapped from the outside world when I feel like this. The effects of my venlafaxine seem to be decreasing, like a drug I feel I need more to get the same 'high' as before. When I say high I mean good feeling about life, I upped to 150mg a few weeks ago, my doc said I could then just drop back to 75mg but that didn't work and then today I've upped again to 225mg, without my doctors say so as well but I feel I'm running out of ideas. I need to go and see him sooner rather than the end of this month. More than anything I need to know what's wrong with me so I can understand it and fight it.

I don't want to feel like this but it's almost like I don't know how to feel anything else. I don't know who I am or meant to be. Is the depression etc the real me or is the happy side, generally brought on by meds the real me, is it somewhere inbetween? I just don't know and that scares me. I wonder what the rest of my life will be like.
I look at other people with sheer jealousy, children laughing, people just generally getting on with life, enjoying this weather and I feel stuck between who I want to be, who I am and what I could be.

Sorry for going on so much I just needed to get this out there to some people who understand.

03-07-11, 15:49
hi Lizz I'm sorry you're having a rough time, like you say it's very hard to understand something that you have never experienced yourself. It seems to me that your boyfriend may need some reassuring that you love him, tell him what you said there about you needing him if you feel able.
I hope that you find better days soon, you've labelled how you're feeling 'a blip' so keep telling yourself that blips are temporary set backs rather than permanent states
best wishes x