View Full Version : Am i being silly??

03-07-11, 15:14
I have this mole on my back which has only recently started to worry me. I think it's changed and it's freaking me out.
Ok, i have had it checked and the dictor says it's completely innocent. :D
So, why am i still freaking out and checking it loads of times a day??
Do any of you relate to this??

03-07-11, 15:18
Nah I know the feeling. Checking things lots.

This may sound kind of silly, but one way you could help your anxiety. Take a photo of it once a month and compare the photos. Then you can see if it's changing. And if it seems to be take those photos to the doc. A month or two won't be live or die :)

03-07-11, 15:34
Thanks, that's a good idea. It's doing my head in, just check check check.
Do you have moles that you check alot too ?

03-07-11, 16:00
Not moles because I'm so freckly I am used to random dots appearing and dissapearing
but I have a lump on the back of my neck that I keep checking! Or now I try and stop myself from checking. Just sit on my hands or something instead.

04-07-11, 05:52
I have the same problem too, it's all part of anxiety.
I have a tiny bump on the inside of my cheek, doc did a CT scan and told me it's alright. Despite that, I constantly check on it and swear the lump changes in size - sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger. There are times I freak out when it becomes slightly bigger. So no.. you're not being silly, just having anxiety like most of us here. :winks: