View Full Version : Another one for the ladies - really worried

Silly Blonde
27-04-06, 10:23
Just been to the nurse for my routine smear. I admit I was very nervous and tense, but I couldn't believe how much it hurt!!! Most of the pain was when she inserted the horrible plastic thing (I swear the metal ones used to be more comfortable if a little cold!!!!).

She didn't seem too concerned and said it was because I was tense. But as usual I'm thinking all kinds of horrible thoughts now!! I am convinced it has made my tummy ache worse as well!

At 33, I have had quite a few smears, but none of them hurt like that!!!!

Any advice greatfully received!!!


existential crisis
27-04-06, 10:26
I reckon it's definately because you were tense. I haven't had this experience personally but my friend has. She HATES smears and every time she goes for one she aches and is quite sore for a couple of days aftewards and it's always because she is tensed up when she goes in there. That's why it probably hurt more this time because in the past you haven't been so tense whereas this time you were. Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

27-04-06, 10:48
defiantely because u were tense, when i have an injection and i tense up more it hurts bad, its u tensing ur muscles u have absoloutly no cause for concern x

Silly Blonde
27-04-06, 11:21
I guess you're right - and the nurse didn't seem too concerned either! I guess she sees it all the time.

I did notice that my notes were on the screen when I went in, so she knows all about my other issues and that it was probably worrying that made it hurt.

I just get concerned when everything I read in relation to smears, say that they do not hurt, they are just uncomfortable. Mine definitely hurt!!!!


SB x

Two heads
27-04-06, 13:51
Im sure everything is fine!Thay can see just by looking weather the cervix is heathy,well thats what my nurse said to me.The smear just confirms if theres a problem.
I expect the pain was just you being tensed up hun!xx

27-04-06, 15:27
yeah when we ar etense these things hurt more so i wouldnt worry, a sore smear would not signify anything wrong, just a tighter, more anxious person getting it done

theyre never really comfortable are they. whod be a woman.lol


Silly Blonde
27-04-06, 16:02
I've never found them painful before, but then I haven't had one since the anxiety kicked in!!!! Its the cyclic thing again, I am already tense, then it hurts, so I worry and tense up, then it hurts even more......!

Still - I'm off to see my psychiatrist later, so will mention it to him.

I do have some good news - instead of having my afternoon fag break, I slapped on a NRT patch instead!!! I swear smoking is making my IBS and anxiety worse, so I determined to kick it for good!

marie ross
27-04-06, 16:05
I'm on yearly smear tests, and they never get easier!!!
Everytime i have one, i always get told to relex, easier said than done!!! But after everyone i've had, i've always had pains, like period pains but after a day they've usually gone.
It's more than likely because you work yourself up so much. I wish a man could have one, they'd have to take a week of work to recover!!!!!!!!

Silly Blonde
27-04-06, 16:26
I get stomach ache all the time anyway (simple IBS made worse by my constant worrying - or so the GP tells me!!!) - but it actually hurt when she used the speculum - well not wanting to be too blunt - it felt like she was using something the size of a marrow!!!![:O]

I haven't had any mid-cycle bleeding or anything like that, so I guess it is just Silly Blonde doing her usually worrying!!!

Thanks for all your messages.

SB xx

27-04-06, 16:33
Hi SB - I have to have annual smears and every time I go it really hurts, feels like a red hot pain moving up my belly. The nurse described the pain exactly and she said some people do get it, some don't. If I try to relax it does ease, but stills hurts. Afterwards I get a cramping feeling for several hours. I'm sure its just tension, everything will be fine for you.
Love Helen

27-04-06, 17:02
Its def because of tension, the speculum is never a pleasant experience and being tense can make a huge difference to how we experience the smear..... I would just like to add for all those really anxious women out there...you know who you are (includes herself in this one) ;) that bleeding mid cycle does not necessary mean anything sinister is going on.

I just want my life back

27-04-06, 18:35
I agree with the other posts as well. Tension can really do a number on us without even realizing it. I went 7yrs w/out a pap because I despise them so much..finally went in and mine did hurt too!! I thought "well this is the price you pay for waiting so long" hehe.....
Now i'm pregnant and get them every other month it seems like..pay back is the worst.

Just try to not think about the negatives and concentrate on relaxing a bit and maybe it won't hurt as much next time.

Take Care of You,


Silly Blonde
28-04-06, 11:14
Thanks ladies! Feeling a bit brighter today! Saw my psychiatrist last night, who said that all signs of depression have disappeared but the health anxiety is still a problem. He has told me not to make any drastic changes until after the wedding and then I can start to wean myself off the meds (as I don't need em anymore).

He told me to stick with the acupuncture and try a TENS machine whenever I get IBS tummy ache (releases endorphins in same way as acupuncture - apparently). Told him about my smear and he said it was defo cos I was tense (I suppose I knew that all along!)

Take care,

SB xx

28-04-06, 14:09
If I am ovulating when I go, it hurts me. For some reason once a month.. about a week after my Period, sex hurts also.