View Full Version : Hello from a HA sufferer

03-07-11, 17:18

I came by this site after consulting Dr Google as usual. I'm so glad I did. Reading through the many posts on here, it's been a great help to me.

I think my problems stem from my grandad dying of lung cancer in 1976, and then my ex sister in law also dying from lung cancer in 2009 at the age of 43.

Since then, every time I get a pain in my chest or my back, or a cough, I think I've got it too. Yes I'm a smoker, but I'm quitting today.

Recently, I've been getting pains in my chest and a burning sensation in my left shoulder, and a feeling like my head and neck are going to explode with the pressure. I checked with Dr Google and sure enough, I have lung cancer. To add to this, I also have bipolar disorder, and was prescribed Risperidone last year. I didn't know at the time, but one of the side effects of Risperidone can be gynecomastia (breast development in men). I have a sore lump under my left nipple. I've already been to see my GP about it. At first he thought it might just be an infection (as I shaved my chest and cut my nipple), and he prescribed antibiotics and told me to go back if it didn't clear in 2 weeks.

A couple of days ago, I tried to get an appointment with my GP, but they were fully booked and offered to get a doctor to phone me at home. Anyway, the same GP rang me and we talked about my breast swelling. He said it sounded more like a hormonal problem, and mentioned the Risperidone, saying that it is a noted side effect of that particular medication and to stop taking it. (I've done some research online and it is a problem with Risperidone and there are some lawsuits being instigated in the US because of it.)

Of course, I'd already checked with Dr Google beforehand and sure enough, lung cancer popped up again, although it did say it was rare. I mentioned this to my GP and he said I shouldn't check symptoms online. I know I shouldn't but I can't seem to help it.

When I think about it all rationally, I think I can tie it all in since I bought myself a laptop a couple of months ago. I sit with it on my bed, hunched up, leaning forward for hours at a time, or lie on my side with my head propped up by my right hand while I type with the left. Surely that bad posture can lead to shoulder, back or chest pains.

I keep trying to tell myself I have laptopitis lol, but there's always that niggling doubt in the back of my mind.

I did have a chest x-ray last September, but I don't know the results as my doctor's couldn't locate them. One doctor said that they had probably been filed away as normal, and if there had been anything wrong, then they would have known about it.

Sorry if I make no sense. My mind is racing at the moment.

I'm not too bad right now, but I'll probably end up consulting Dr Google again in the early hours when I can't sleep and I start to panic about my shoulder or chest pain.

03-07-11, 17:19
Hi Tarocchi

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-07-11, 18:10
Thank you Nicola. I really like this forum :)

04-07-11, 12:51
its great to feel like your not alone i spent all day yesterday thinking something was wrong with me because i felt lightheaded and today the symtoms have disapeared completely what a suprise but when u are feeling at your worst even telling myself i am being silly does not help.

04-07-11, 12:58
Oh No not Dr Google!

Try not to feed into internet searches too much, if you have a concern then the web tends to make it spiral in my experience.

Welcome to NMP

06-07-11, 14:14
I am the worst for Dr Google!!!!!!

I read things & then develop the symptoms. You really must try to stop yourself

Emily xx