View Full Version : really hope someone is awake to reply

04-07-11, 01:57
today i noticed that i have a sore area to touch on the bottom of my calf it isnt red or hot and its hard to tell if its swollen because im so anxious right now

im 29 yr old male smoker maybe 6 a day, six weeks ago i went to the doctors he said i have very high cholesterol but since then i have changed my diet totally and have lost a 1 stone in weight i am a very inactive person i know this isnt good but i sit for long periods at a time and walk maybe 20 minutes a day

i was out drinking alcohol last night and have been at home today resting when i touched my calf and noticed it was sore in a certain area now because i have poked and prodded it in the last hour its sore all the time now and im getting intermittant shooting pains in my upper part of my leg i would day the pain in my calf is a 6/10 like a bruise really i have always had panic attacks and fear of dvt and blood clots im so scared it might be this and im freaking out :weep:

04-07-11, 02:30
take 5 there it could ve you have been bitten by an insect and naw u have poked about with it makes it swell abit i wouldnt worrie to much about it tbh if its not gone by morning then consault your doctor should it effect you so much

04-07-11, 03:39
Well done on losing the weight.
Seems like a simple case of health anxiety, you found the symptom>sore leg, thought of the worst, diagnosed yourself with DVT,
Try not to google if you haven't as you'll find something more sinister than DVT and then worry about that too.

Now I am no doctor, but you should see one if your worried , by chance could you have bruised or hurt your leg on your night out and not realized it?

It only hurts when you poke it, which is a good sign, but by prodding it too ,much you could bruise it and make the pain worse which in turn could make you more convinced something is wrong.
Again on the plus size calf is not swollen. you are still able to walk on it :)
I wish I could cut back to 6 smokes a day , I hope some day you'll be able to quit .

Try not to worry, there are a lot of other non harmful things that may be causing your pain.

04-07-11, 11:31
thanks for the replys i really appreciate them! i have awoke this morning and just as you said it has come out in a bruise because of my poking and prodding and it seems to be hurting now without me touching it which inst a good thing.

the pain is still really mild nothing that causes me and major discomfort i do want to go to the doctors but you know how it is you feel so stupid when you have seen them every week he prob thinks im crazy

i will panic over this if i dont go thats the problem catch 22 i dont rem if i hit it on the night out but i do know that i have been using one of those vibration plate machines and have heard they can cause pain

04-07-11, 23:19
try putting ice on it to help with the bruising.
I often get a bruise here and there with no idea of how i may have got it.

04-07-11, 23:45
Not a doctor but I imagine with DVT or a blood clot you wouldn't be able to put weight on it. Give it a few days and I'm sure you'll be fine.