View Full Version : Please not again!!

04-07-11, 08:13
I recently lost my job last week and up until then I have been so brilliant for such long time.
Since this has all happened I have actually been doing really well, I don't feel like I am taking it all too badly, and long term I think this will be a really good thing for me actually to start something fresh.

As a result since then I can feel myself getting anxious again, even though I am not anxious if that makes sense. I was at my job for some time and I got a decent package so money worries are definately not the issue, more or less of what on earth am I going to do with myself, what do I want to do as until now I was in a stable job and didn't have to think about it all.

I just don't know what I can do to make sure that those awful feelings don't come back again. I don't want to go down that path again of when I start feeling anxious that my health anxiety comes back because it was through the roof.

To date these are the following symptoms
1. lack of appetite
2. if I do eat I feel like I am really full and almost slight acid feeling in my chest
3. tight chest
4. dizzy every now and again

Now I know that this is my anxiety and it will have to do with me loosing my job even though I think that I am doing OK.
I just don't want these symptoms to start taking over, at the moment I am doing OK controlling them and they are not scaring me but I just don't know how long I can hold this up for ...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

04-07-11, 12:52
Any big change to your life will cause you a natural level of Anxiety, try to just step back and relax. Keep some decent routine in your day and enjoy the sun perhaps :-)


06-07-11, 03:38
I agree with Alex. Big changes like this can be major stressors, even if you haven't got money worries. A big part of your life has gone and you don't yet have something to replace it. Keep yourself active. Take up voluntary work, new hobbies or sports, anything to keep busy. Once you have a bit of a routine you will feel better.
