View Full Version : long time sufferer.. looking for help

04-07-11, 12:02
hi there.. my names chris and im 27.. ive been suffering with what doctors are calling panic disorder.. im suffering 24/7.. i never get a break from it untill im flat out asleep.. it takes a while to even get to sleep.. i struggle to do anything... ive been in this state for about 6 years now.. the last 7 months or so have been extremely bad and it just feels like its getting worse and worse.. ive tried tablets that the doctors prescribe and they just make me panic more.. i feel extremely dizzy ALL THE TIME!! headaches at least 4 a day.. feeling like im going to fall over.. maybe passing out feeling.. what ever is going on is getting bad.. can anyone help?? please!! ideas would be great.. thanks

04-07-11, 12:39
i could be your twin!!
lately iv had so many head aches and i keep getting a quick dizzy feeling which feels like im falling sideways for a few seconds and then goes!!

04-07-11, 13:00
How long did you try medication for?

It can take a while for them to work

04-07-11, 14:14
to be honest i never took them for months but i took some tablets for a matter of weeks.. i get a bit scared of taking tablets because as soon as ive swallowed them im sat waiting for the effects and as soon as i feel any little thing thats not quite normal then i freak out even more.. bit of a harsh cycle because they may help if i took them for a long time.. i dont know.. i heard diazapam helps you calm down and sleep but i dont want to wake up and take them because i feel bad.... ill jus be sleeping all the time.. ive missed out on almost all of my 20s.. dont wanna miss out on the rest of my life.. if anyone has some ideas.. please help

04-07-11, 14:29
is it your anxiety that causes your headaches and things or the tablets?

04-07-11, 15:30
no its not the tablets... i get headaches and extreme dizzyness all day long if i take tablets or not.. ive tried taking ibuprofen and paracetemol but they dont do anything.. i get pins and needles all over my face.. ive bin told thats to do with my breathing but i get it even if i try relaxing and slow breathing...
ive thought that it might not be anxiety but something physically wrong..

04-07-11, 15:38
No i think its the anxiety, iv been having it alot lately, horrible head aches and sudden dizzyness :(

05-07-11, 11:33
Perhaps you should give the meds a proper go? have yu spoken to your doctor recently?

10-07-11, 15:29
ive been suffering for six years aswell it is so hard everyday. i am with the crises team at the minute i have someone come out to my house every day as i am house bound im to scared to go out.you should as your doctor to refer you to them they sort your medication out they dont leave you until they find the right medication and further help you need . hope you get the help you need.

14-07-11, 02:15
Hi....sorry to hear your suffering so badly from panic attacks....they are terrible things to overcome.....are the meds u are on ssri's cause in my experience....they can sometimes make things worse.....i suffered really badly last year with panic attacks....and found that diazepan worked for me as well as conginitive behavior therapy....also go on you tube there is an eft vid on panic attacks...which shows u diversional tricks to divert ypu from panic attacks.....also yhere is a drug Bursipone....that is non habit forming....and helps with panic disorders...good luck