View Full Version : Massive hike in sweaty palms and feet?

04-07-11, 19:41
Hey guys,

Was just wondering if what I'm experiencing is common, or whether it might not be the citalopram and just be my general anxiety being heightened.

I've been on 10mg citalopram for a week now (with intention to build after 4 weeks) and I have noticed that my hands and feet are constantly cold and very sweaty pretty much all day, which unfortunately sets me off to thinking im constantly anxious and feeling bad all day.

Anyone else experience a real hike in sweaty palms and feet by any chance? Or is this just my anxiety getting a real grip on me 24/7?


obsessive b
05-07-11, 17:59

Yes I had this too when starting my hands were sweating all the time and like you this did make me feel more anxious I think it is a side effect of the pill but it is certainatly nothing to worry about and it does settle down should stop after another week. I know it seems like a long time but it does go quicker than you think.


06-07-11, 11:17
It is one of the side effects, mentioned in the medicine leaflet. It can be also just a symptom of your anxiety/nervousness, very common feeling. One thing is for sure- nothing's gonna happen to you, you just have to wait for it to go away.