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04-07-11, 21:56
I think i have a stomach ulcer.

I had a full blood count and it came back clear, but just read up and it doesn't find whether you have a stomach ulcer.

I have all the symptoms ..... Red stools (only a few times though), bloated, Acid, Chest pain, Adbo pain, Upper stomach pain....I HAVE IT ALL!! :'(

Please someone help, do you think i could have a stomach ulcer, i know someone my age (16) that died of one so i know its possible i could have one. Please help i am petrified. I dont no to go back to docs in case they get annoyed with me or something :(

04-07-11, 21:58
Duke i have reassurred you for hours on end that you do NOT have a stomach ulcer x

04-07-11, 22:07
I definately have a stomach ulcer, i just don't want to die, what can they do to save me from this horrible condition? :(

04-07-11, 22:08
You don't have a stomach ulcer at 16!!!

04-07-11, 22:09
Also even if you did you don't have to die from it - they are treatable.

Stop googling NOW as well.

04-07-11, 22:13
how are stomach ulcers caused? I think my main worry is that its been left for so long its untreatable :(

04-07-11, 22:21
I am not going to answer that because you are asking silly questions.

You need to keep away from google and stop self-diagnosing.

It is probably acid indigestion/reflux and nothing more.

04-07-11, 22:22
Okay i was only asking sorry! God im sick of some of the people on here getting so annoyed with me, this is my only reassurence sorry!

04-07-11, 22:26
Listen to what we are telling you hunny, we are here to help. Its very unlikely that u have an ulcer at 16 years old! I could understand if u said if it was IBS, or as Nicola mentioned acid indigestion. Ulcers are treatable, so please DON'T worry yourself anymore on this.

04-07-11, 22:31
No one is getting annoyed with u, we all understand that HA is frustrating and we all get carried away with our symptoms, but somewhere in our head is our rational brain that is telling us that deep deep down were are in fact OK.

04-07-11, 22:38
tell your doctor what you are worried about and he can advise you.

05-07-11, 08:15
my friend had a stomach ulcer, and they were bent over double in pain, it was absoloutly agonising, so unless your in so much pain you cant stand up straight, its probably not an ulcer :)

05-07-11, 08:57
Hi, If its any help I suffer with abdo and chest pains, anxiety definitely causes this as all your muscles go tight, i also have acid reflux but thats easily solved with an antacid or you can ask your doctor to prescribe you somehting x

05-07-11, 10:25
Hi duke, I went to my out of hours docs at the hospital a few weeks ago has I had diarrehoa which was like black tar. Turned out it was black cause of an iron tablet I had that day and the doc reckoned it was a bug, however he did mention stomach ulcer could cause bleeding in the stomach which could turn the stool black, so when I went to my GP she sent me for a full blood count and she said if there was any bleeding in my stomach it would show up on the blood test as being anaemic, so if your bloods were fine then so are you :-) I know exactly how you feel tho cause when you become fixated on one thing then no matter what anyone says it is so hard to change your way of thinking. Hold on in there and hopefully you have got a nice GP who you can have a good chat with like mine. I was in floods of tears when I went to see mine yesterday xxx

05-07-11, 15:47
my mum and my oh have had stomach uslers and there just fine so take a deep breath they just needed a weeks course of antibotics
all the symtoms you say you have can be frm anixety

has you doctor not offered you the stomach usler test so you can put it out of your mind it takes half an hour you blow in to a manchine than take a anti acid tablet wait for 20 minutes then blow into it again its got a proper name i can ask my mum if you want.

but im sure these are caused by anixety x

05-07-11, 18:22
Thankyou so much everyone!
You have really helped me! :)

What was the name of that test? As they havn't offered it to me :(, but yes i had a full blood count and it came out clear, i really hope its all okay.

Thankyou again x

05-07-11, 18:36
well a stomach ulcer is caused by bacteria they test for Heli-cobacter Pylori

my mum and oh never had blood test but they did have this test which was positive and they had exterme stomach and chest pain with it