View Full Version : Does anyone else get this?

05-07-11, 01:47
I'm hoping i'm not alone in this but i keep getting a tingly feeling on my tongue and the right side of my face feels numb, my head feels really spacy like it is expanding and my eyes start to sting and feel twitchy. What is going on and how can i deal with it?

05-07-11, 02:32
Check the side articles on hyperventilation. Has those physical sensations.

05-07-11, 03:55
Hmm I get that a lot but I have TMJ and it happens when my face mucles get too tight, do you clench your jaw or grind your teeth at night?
How do I deal with it, ignore it best I can guess,
Low b12 levels can cause odd sensations as can taking very high levels of the B vitamins ,

05-07-11, 04:44
I have a degree of tmj myself. The face muscles can clamp down on nerves too. And my dental pointed out that I must be grinding much on that one side. I also have Bell's Palsy on that side so that for me is an added issue.
I do have low b12 that is being supplemented with a dr. as well as B vitamins. They are monitored through my dr.

06-07-11, 03:37
This may be stupid question but what is tmj?