View Full Version : terrible night

27-04-06, 15:55
Last night I had a terrible nights sleep. I woke up a million times, felt shaky and anxious. Everytime I woke up I had no idea where I was. I was just really out of it. This morning I still feel kinda out of it, but that makes sense as I had a terrible nights sleep. The thing that is worrying me, is that I was not anxious at all last night. It was a great day, and I went to sleep at a normal time, no caffein or anything... So why did I have such a terrible night? I feel like I must be really sick. Last night I would seriously wake up very confused. Is this anxiety? has anyone ever had this on just a regular night?



27-04-06, 16:28
Hi Heidi

This is something I get also, Please try not to worry as it is most defo your anxiety

The way I try to look at is, if you have a great day as you say you did, see this as a positive, thats great that you having great days, it takes time to get over anxiety and the good days are an excellent start and the night time improvements will come next,

I find that If I have good days then at night think .... It must be time I had a bad night now and bring it on myself, promise you this is anxiety and as your name says "It will pass"

Take Care

Wendy xx

27-04-06, 16:48
Hi Heidi,

I agree with Wendy. It was your anxiety biting you back. Who knows what the subconscious does to us in our sleep. I have bad nights at times and am having good days. Have no idea why? I wake up with my neck and shoulders killing me and I know I can't possibly sleep wrong every night. Sometimes we can tense up and not even realize it. I do hope you have a better night tonight.


27-04-06, 17:00
Thank you so much for your replies. Wendy, Im not sure why, but I feel so much better knowing that I am not alone in this. I have this fear that I have some weird, fatal disease. But realistically, I know if other people here have it as well, it must be anxiety. Southern belle- I also had the really bad neck ache also! At one point in the middle of the night I woke up convinced it was spinal menengitis!

You guys are great. thank you so much.

27-04-06, 18:33

It is true that knowing you are not alone helps so much, and trust me you are most defo not - It is just as you say anxiety, and you will soon be having nights and good as your days!

Take Care

Wendy x

28-04-06, 10:29
Hello again Heidi!

What our brains are doing at night during 'sleep' is one of the most interesting and least well-understood things about us humans, in my view.

Why, for example, should we have evolved to have nightmares? Not exactly helpful or pleasant things, are they? My view is that we have to trust that in some way that we don't understand, our brains are dealing with the stuff that goes on, in our lives and in our heads, the rest of the time. Our brains are doing this the best they can, within the context of our bodies, which themselves are very complicated and easily upset things! The process of dealing with anxiety, fear, panic, trauma and other things, real and imagined, isn't easy. That's why our brains sometimes struggle. Because the processing is hard, it takes a toll on us. Like you waking up several times in the night, groggy and confused. No wonder - your brain is so engaged working stuff through for you, it could hardly be expected to engage with the outside world too. Not even your bedroom!

So don't worry too much about these things when they happen. My best advice is to do all you can to ease your life and your feelings, to reassure and feel better about yourself - I'm not saying 'solve all your problems', just live with them and do what you can until they become a little easier and in perspective. Eat sensibly and balanced, drink plenty of water, do some exercise you enjoy, de-clutter a bit. And so on, whatever works best for you. You will find, I am sure, that your mind helps this process become easier, as it deals more easily with the mental and emotional fall-out of whatever you've gone through and are going through.

Wishing you every good luck and good wishes!

28-04-06, 14:08
Sorry to hear that you are not sleeping well. I went through a phase like this a few months back and my therapist told me that when we are asleep the brain is very often sifting through and processing information and thoughts that may be in the back of our mind and very often this can lead to sleepless nights or waking with a panic attack even though we went to bed quite calm.

On a lighter note now,
Every Wednesday evening I watch The Apprentice and without fail that night I will dream about Sir Alan Sugar [:I]
I am not sure if this is a nightmare or a good dream as in my dream he always tells me "your fired!"
At one point I thought about taping it and watching it in the daytime but I suppose it could be worse!


Sometimes I give myself the creeps, Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me, It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up, Or am I just paranoid ..... Billie Joe Armstrong

Miss Pink
28-04-06, 14:20
Hi Heidi,
I have had the same thing happen to me. It usually lasts a few nights then I go back to normal for a while. I find myself waking up - really confused, as though I should be thinking about something, but I don't know what it is. In the morning sometimes I feel I don't know where I am and stay confused for a few minutes.

I think the advice everyone else has given is spot on - we don't know what our brain does when we're asleep - so although it's uncomfortanle and a bit disturbing at the time, try not to worry - its just another symptom of anxiety and its harmless !

Hope that helps[8D]

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

28-04-06, 20:33
Again, thank you everyone so much for your replies. I feel like a weight lifted just to read that people understand what I am going through. I feel so lucky to have found this site...

__________________________________________________ __________________________________
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

29-04-06, 13:12
Alright hiedi
Them nights time can be the worst for some people.. whenya anxious like us huh.
Last night i actually fell asleep on the sofa about 1pm.. wow thats a first for me ever, and i woke with my heart jumping out of my chest.. it was like a frog doing a masif jump.. god i was so scared..
Soemtimes i lay there, and i lay there .. for hours love trying to sleep.. i know exactley how you feel and its so frustrating..
Try reading a book if your concentration levels are ok, thats not always easy.. or have a hot bath before you go bed.. try all the simple things first.. relaxtion cd etc etc.. i know you are properley thinking .. its all nice that, but it dosnt work for me.. well i know that is a possiblity but we have to try dont we hunni.
The doctor could help you a little with some sleeping tabs,, but that depends how you are about taking tablets.. most of us anxious people dont like to.. but sometimes we just have to at times.

Hope things get a little easyier for you, there is no quick answer thats the problem with anxiety/panic/or depression.. it dosnt just go like that does it ..
