View Full Version : first major panic attack

05-07-11, 12:29
im new to this site, and ive just had a major big scarey panic attack, it started this morning. im currently on fluoxetine, and had a drink las night, so im thinking thats why i had the panic attack this morning. Ive had small ones before, but never like this, it scared me a lot :weep:...What i want to know is. how long do bad panic attacks last?, and i feel really crappy and really sad, is this normal to feel like this after a big panic attack?...And how to make myself ok (emotionally) after a panic attack?..Also is it normal to feel so sad....confused and just staring out into space and crying after a panic attack?

05-07-11, 13:30
my worst attacks can last few hours but they drain me somthing terrible but for me its like a circle even when i'm not in full panic i'm constanly thinking when the next 1 will happen :( hope your ok ?

07-07-11, 16:54
I used to feel quite crappy for a few hours after a bad PA. Now it only lasts for 10 minutes or so ,but yes, I still feel crummy. I've been going to CBT for a year now and what I do after a PA is reassure myself that it wasn't as bad as past ones have been, I handled it well, and now it's time to move on.