View Full Version : Constant worry of mortality.

05-07-11, 16:06
Hayyyyy, folks! I'm a newb, a noooooob! But, please treat me as someone who's been here for a long time so get on your knees and kiss my toes! Ofcourse, you guys and gals don't know me, so let's get this straight. I'm joking, except for the noob part!

Okay...So, my problem and it's pretty darn agrivating to the point of being scared to live! I hit 24, last year and was living a pretty darn, normal life until...dun dun dunnnnnn. I have a nightmare of having a brain transplant. O, boy.

This thing has caused me some trouble... I woke up with the question, "Do I need that thing to exist?" Buuuuuut....this went against my religion. Sooo, I google, "NDE." and the results wern't what I had in mind. Yes, people claimed to have out of body experiences, unfortuantly for me, science has also found a way to discover these things away.

From this point, I sat there, eyes widen, mouth hitting the floor, body trembling. Basically, I felt like I just seen death. God was my first option. There had to be a God! So, who do you go to to get some sort of clue about God's existance? Well, I didn't trust the preacher men, since all they did was give me some mind manipulation, mess.

Auto assuming the bible was true was not my cup of tea. Soo, I wen't to the man himself, God. When reaching to the sky for an answer doesn't receive and answer, then, that sort of leads to a check book full of voided checks.

From there on out, everything I do, everywhere I go, death is stalking me, wanting me to go out on a date. I just don't find men garbed in some long black, hoody gown, very attractive. I don't find men attractive, at all, but, that's beside the point.

Three or four months after realizing God most likely isn't beyond the grave with open arms, my body went into a doom and gloom. Pretty much, everything seemed dreamy and scarry. Luckily, I found some techniques which took all of that down to pretty much, nothing.

Still, that doesn't change the idea that death is waiting...waiting...waiting...This whole idea sends anxiety down my spine off and on throughout the day. It's hard for me to say if Death is causing my anxiety or anxiety is causing me to feel the presence if my own end. Or...it could be working both ways. I understand we have some sort of someting in our brain, and I'm am not about to spell it. Umabalaga. Who in the heck cares. If I had the book on me, I take it out of that.

Basically, this thing is the cause of making human minds feel guilty and fear their own end, causing the anxiety. Either way, the crap is getting irritating. Yes, I know we're suppose to live in the here and now, but, how in the world is it possible when anxiety persist? It's tough to sit and watch a T.V. program or enjoy a cook out, or fire works, with constantly being reminded by the ooomgabala that I'm going to die, one day.

And for those who responed, "Why Worry?" Hey! Why do you think I'm here? It's not like I'm trying to worry about it. It's sort of just a natural reaction. It just happens. One minute, I don't think about it, then the next, it's like, O, I'll still die. Dang... Wouldn't it be nice if death was just a day that comes and goes then you just continu to live? That would be so much easier. I feel like I'm waiting for that doctor's appointment or getting my driver's license. But...this is at the end of life... So, 50 plus years of my mind constantly giving me a beating of the end?

How the heck do I shut it up? Yes, work and work, and work, and more work, and occasional game of ms. pacman at the arcade helps to an extent, but, my mind always works like a magnet when it comes to the thought of death. Once my distraction is gone, woomp, it comes back. And, sometimes, it comes even while I'm working or playing a game.

Getting rid of the following symptoms would help, a whole bunch in my life if anyone has suggestions...

1) Constant thoughts of growing old and dying, or perhaps skipping the getting old part

2) Anxiety...Now, this stuff right here causes the thoughts. I know for a fact, because, when it's low, I don't think that much of it. I still do, but, it's not as bad. I've tried things like relaxing, but, it just gives a chance for my sub C. to dwell off and do it's own thing. I spend most of my day, awake. I try not to take naps or anything, because, it causes more anxiety. I can kinda keep sort of control in the day time, but, at night, the sub C. kicks my butt.

3) Feeling the threat of the oncoming day. I wake up with a sense of "O crap, I'm another day closer." Seems like by 12 o clock, I'm pretty kosher with it, but, next morning comes, same old crap.

All I want in life is to live through it, calm, carefree, and have a smooth ride. I've realized in the end I'll go out with a bang, most likely bacause my insides are giving out, getting rid of all the uneeded juices, but, how in the heck do I hold my sanity!? Most people don't have this problem. There's people my age still crusing the beaches and picking up chicks. Unless there still in a stage of feeling invincible. Who knows?

05-07-11, 17:13
Many people on this site DO have this same problem .......my advice ( as a 67 yrs old woman ) is to live your life NOW not sit waiting for the day you will eventually die .

05-07-11, 18:50
Hey, I'm doing this to the best of my ability... It hasn't stopped me from going to putt putt like I promised myself I do one day. (My parents teased me with it as a child. We only went like twice.) :D I have been out visiting my grams and little cuzes. But, o...m.....gad......It's good that the anxiety is getting me out of the house, but gime a break for once in awhile....

05-07-11, 19:11

I think what you have to try to remember - and whilst I know it isn't much in the way of a comfort is - some day we are ALL going to die at some point in our lives. Nobody likes that thought, myself included. i just feel so bad for you that you feel this at 24, which to me (without meaning it in a patronising way) is still a baby!

I'm 40 in 6 days time, and not looking forward to it to say the least. Actually I HATE the thought as I can't help analysing my lack of achievements at the halfway (well, I HOPE it's halfway, lol) point of my life. I now look at myself as a 24 year old stresshead and wonder what the hell was I doing, as I had so much life in front of me.

Anxiety has doubtless make you fixate on this as mortality and a kind of morbidity is very common in anxiety as our thoughts turn to the darkness rather than the light. As far as age, life and approaching death goes, my personal theory is what is the point in worrying about something we all have a lack of control over? Whether we like it or not, we age. Whether we like it or not, one day we will die.

As far as dreading the coming day goes, again it is a fruitless waste of life and energy to fret over it. It is a cliche but very true that all any of us can do is make the very most of however long we are here for, and not waste our time dwindling away life by getting anxous over its' brevity.

Easier said than done I know, but try if you can to strip away all of the life/death stuff and just see this as your anxiety talking hun.


05-07-11, 19:26

I think what you have to try to remember - and whilst I know it isn't much in the way of a comfort is - some day we are ALL going to die at some point in our lives. Nobody likes that thought, myself included. i just feel so bad for you that you feel this at 24, which to be (without meaning it in a patronising way) is still a baby!

I'm 40 in 6 days time, and not looking forward to it to say the least. Actually I HATE the thought as I can't help analysing my lack of achievements at the halfway (well, I HOPE it's halfway, lol) point of my life. I now look at myself as a 24 year old stresshead and wonder what the hell was I doing, as I had so much life in front of me.

Anxiety has doubtless make you fixate on this as mortality and a kind of morbidity is very common in anxiety as our thoughts turn to the darkness rather than the light. As far as age, life and approaching death goes, my personal theory is what is the point in worrying about something we all have a lack of control over? Whether we like it or not, we age. Whether we like it or not, one day we will die.

As far as dreading the coming day goes, again it is a fruitless waste of life and energy to fret over it. It is a cliche but very true that all any of us can do is make the very most of however long we are here for, and not waste our time dwindling away life by getting anxous over its' brevity.

Easier said than done I know, but try if you can to strip away all of the life/death stuff and just see this as your anxiety talking hun.


hiya debs,

that was a very nice post there :) what you are saying is very true and is exactly what I am trying to tell myself most days.

don't think about any lack of achievements as I am sure you have achieved a lot in life, your a nurse which is one big achievement and something I would be very proud to be, you have spent your time helping others in need and this is very admirable. And I am sure if you think hard you will think of other things you have done :)

I know that anxiety makes us feel like we do not achieve anything and I feel the same on occasions but then I do try and think of some of the things I have done that are achievements in life, simple things like passing my driving test and passing exams etc I know they are only small things but they are things all the same lol.

take care

Kayleigh xxxx :bighug1:

05-07-11, 19:47
Thanks so much Kayleigh....hope you are ok too.xxx:hugs:

05-07-11, 22:06
Thanks for the advice, but for the meantime, I need something to take out the constant worry...I know I need to live life to the fullest, but, it's pretty tough knowing where it's heading. Hate to cheat, but, maybe a pill? I dun know, lol. I've heard success stories of people taking some things, and their fear of death diminished. Who knooows.

05-07-11, 22:54
Samuel Clemens AKA Mark Twain said " I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it wasnt such an incovenience so why should it be now"

05-07-11, 23:31
Samuel Clemens AKA Mark Twain said " I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it wasnt such an incovenience so why should it be now"

My anxiety told me your answer sucked. :D

05-07-11, 23:49
Thats because its not an answer but a quotation about death to hopefully make you feel more normal. I get worried and scared to but unfortunately have been around to many realist that tell you like it is.You will die ,I will die ,everybody dies. The lady that wrote to you 67 years old is correct. Its not the amount of time you have that matters but the way you spend that time and most of the people on here are worried about the samething ,but if your looking for a sugarcoating there is none.You will die...period end of story,but you already know this!!!!

06-07-11, 00:04
Thanks for the advice, but for the meantime, I need something to take out the constant worry...I know I need to live life to the fullest, but, it's pretty tough knowing where it's heading. Hate to cheat, but, maybe a pill? I dun know, lol. I've heard success stories of people taking some things, and their fear of death diminished. Who knooows.

Well, in terms of a pill, anti-anxiety medication will take the edge off your fear purely as it is dealing with what I would guess is the cause, that being the anxiety which seems to be driving the morbid thoughts.

As far as your deep seated fear of growing older/death goes though, perhaps you may come to come to grips with it/acceptance by talking therapy perhaps??:shrug:

I wish you some comfort soon though.x:hugs:

06-07-11, 00:44
Yup. Not looking for a sugar coat, just some way to keep sanity :scared15:

06-07-11, 00:46
Well, in terms of a pill, anti-anxiety medication will take the edge off your fear purely as it is dealing with what I would guess is the cause, that being the anxiety which seems to be driving the morbid thoughts.

As far as your deep seated fear of growing older/death goes though, perhaps you may come to come to grips with it/acceptance by talking therapy perhaps??:shrug:

I wish you some comfort soon though.x:hugs:

I've understood vitamin E does wondors with immortality...seriously. I'll look into a therapist.

06-07-11, 00:50
Found something tjat might make you feel better.It seems they might have a cure for aging and death.http://news.yahoo.com/wants-live-forever-scientist-sees-aging-cured-131029279.html

06-07-11, 00:53
Hope you start to feeling better....I feel for you and we are all in the same boat or we wouldnt be here. Hope you are better soon. Michael

06-07-11, 01:09
Sounds like by the time I get old, I want to die, anyway....

06-07-11, 11:00
Hope you start to feeling better....I feel for you and we are all in the same boat or we wouldnt be here. Hope you are better soon. Michael

Love the mark twain quote :)

06-07-11, 11:01
Thanks so much Kayleigh....hope you are ok too.xxx:hugs:

im alright, just plodding along you know how it is lol xx

29-07-11, 01:30
Hi There.
I'm 59 and know just where you are coming from.
At the age of 9 it hit me from nowhere and even at that age i knew my life was never to be the same again. A real raw fear!. What the late Kenneth williams of the Carry On Films called the knowledge that kills the will .
Just remember that death can call at any time you may not make old age ! It's that random. I wish i could help you more but please take this advise !. If you let this fear grab you by the balls you will simply go through the motions of living like i have then suddenly your life becomes a bereavment in middle age and beyond .
I have always run,cycled,and driven fast cars and at times i face the reaper head on by pushing my body and cars to the limit. What i call testing the benevolence of fate !! Yes death can be quite an afrodisiac !
If like me you feel the need to escape when it overpowers you then you know what motivates me to run and cycle hard and this fear has made me unwittingly very fit and i'm now like a teenager compared to my old mates who went into " SOFA MODE " years ago. So who's OLD now right at this moment!.
I don't know where our fears came from! it may be family,genetic who knows but death can become your freind if it makes your living in the present unbearable. You have one advantage over me and that is more time in front than behind and i remember being in that situation like it was yesterday. Man's biggest problem is his ego and his lack of control over his/her existence.

Good luck

29-07-11, 03:20
Hey Panic...yes absolutely ...Mans Ego is what makes him afraid...I often think of all the people that will come after im gone yet they will fall to death to and those that think they can live forever better find another place to do it because the earth wont be around forever:)