View Full Version : Brown patches of skin, like a bruise

05-07-11, 22:11
I already posted about this but after looking again thought i would make a new post.

On my left leg a few patches have appeared, they almost look like the last stage of a bruise - brown/light brown in colour but they don't hurt and I have not injured that area as far as I know.

I've looked it up but can't really find anything that seems to fit. My health anxiety doesn't include cancer so that's not something I am worried about but still, it is a little disconcerting.

pussy cat
05-07-11, 23:46
hi there
this sounds very much like skin pigmentation-i have 3 of them - 2 on my arm & 1 on the side of my face-more noticable some days than others-i know they can come with age but can also come if you,ve had too much sun - hope this helps :yesyes:

24-08-11, 23:46
I have the same thing. Except, I'm pale as anything, don't really show my skin where these patches are. And i'm only in my early 20's.

They are starting to really worry me. I've had red spots on my body before due to stress, but these are brown, round and bruise like and wont go away!! They are on my thigh and I have one in the middle of my stomach and tonight I swear there are more developing!!

Any ideas?

Gemma T
24-08-11, 23:59
I have hidden birth marks that only show up when I have a tan. A massive one on my neck and a small one on my wrist. Looks much like a tea stain or light dirt mark. I dont know if you have a tan at the mo but its a possibility x x x

25-08-11, 07:14
Weight lost can also cause brusing. I am covered in odd bruises and duing a scan thry noted that my veins are tiny with thin blood. Yjis jas happened i the lasy year since loosing over a stone in weight. Now if I had a blood test I automatically get a large painful bruise on my arm wheras previously this never happened.

25-08-11, 08:42
Going in the sun whilst in certain medication can cause the skin pigmentation too. I have it on my face but only shows when I catch the sun.

29-08-11, 16:38
I have one of these on my leg ... have a dermatologist appt in a few weeks. At first I was nervous about it, but after looking at literally every picture I could find of skin cancer I am less nervous ... definitely does not look like cancer! Still a little odd though. I am on Birth Control Pills, maybe that could do it? Showed up this summer after being in the sun.

29-08-11, 16:44
Birth Control Pill do cause this effect in some people, yes.

29-08-11, 16:58
St Johns wort can cause it too when exposed to direct sunlight ..Sue x

24-09-13, 12:56
My 6-yr old has something like this. It sounds exactly like this. It appeared overnight on his arm and chest. Did you ever figure out what it was? How long did it last?