View Full Version : Ive got Glandular Fever :

27-04-06, 18:17
Hi guys

had a bit of a rough 4-5wks with ibs and anxiety.. got myself a bit run down so went drs just to check it wasnt anything more.
turns out i have glandular fever!!

kinda helps to know all my syptoms arnt panic and anxirty, but now im lumped with recovering from that aswell as coping with my anxiety!

anyone else had glandular fever, and got any tips on coping with the both??!


27-04-06, 19:14
Hi Bubblestar

Sorry to hear you have glandular fever, I had it two years ago and know how rundown & grotty it can make you feel, its a shame theres no quick fix just try to make sure you get plenty of rest and try to look after yourself. Dont try to rush your recovery as you will end up making yourself feel poorly again. My doctor told me to gargle with soluble asprin but it wasnt very nice!

Sorry I cant give lots of helpful advice but i hope you are feeling better very soon.

Suzy xx :)

28-04-06, 10:36
Never had it but recovery is slow as the virus tends to linger for a while so like was said before its important that you take plenty of rest and dont return to normal activity to quick as it can take weeks to several months to get back to full strength,take simple analgesics for a joint pain/muscle aches you might have and drink plenty of fluids, the nhs online has a good fact sheet about it you could look at if you wanted.

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