View Full Version : Refux

06-07-11, 07:55
I have had reflux for nearly 10 years and take omperazole which controls it well. For the past couple of days , i have had bad heartburn even with the tablets. Im now really worried that the reflux has progressed to cancer !
Has anyone else had reflux for such a long time.
Im normally sympton free with the medication X

06-07-11, 09:02
Have you had a dietician look at your diet at all to find out which foods trigger it?

06-07-11, 09:04
hello! i'm 22 and had been suffering from reflux since 2009. it comes and goes.

i took a course of omeprazole but it made very little difference so i didn't repeat it. instead, i have turned to natural methods.

i had read that eating smaller meals more frequently helps, that eating an apple will ease the symptoms, that drinking 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water will help, and that avoiding sour, oily, spicy, and fatty foods will help. so i try to do all those regularly (except the ACV... it sort of feels like my throat is being burnt)...

the chances of reflux turning to cancer is extremely rare (1 in 10, according to my doctor and what i read), so don't worry. cancer is highly treatable...


06-07-11, 09:21
besides, it's better to die from cancer than anaphylaxis (which is my fear) since you have more time to spare when it's cancer, and it's more treatable... i think it's nice to die being prepared... :)

Well that is going to make pb feel a whole lot better isn't it :unsure:

06-07-11, 09:26
I forgot to ask as well - do you smoke?

06-07-11, 10:58
LOL... but seriously, we all die... i'm not scared of dying per se since it happens to all, but i would dislike dying suddenly. it's just my personal preference to die of cancer or some other disease that takes time so i could spend precious time with my loved ones and prepare before i join God...

but with anaphylaxis, it comes so suddenly and so quickly... obviously anaphylaxis is my main anxiety-causing factor these days... haha...

Well that is going to make pb feel a whole lot better isn't it :unsure:

06-07-11, 12:49
LOL... but seriously, we all die... i'm not scared of dying per se since it happens to all, but i would dislike dying suddenly. it's just my personal preference to die of cancer or some other disease that takes time so i could spend precious time with my loved ones and prepare before i join God...

I take it you have never watched someone die of cancer then as you have a very simplistic and naive opinion of how you die from cancer?

06-07-11, 14:18
i'm sorry if i offended anyone... i didn't mean to....

my aunt died from cancer and it was horrible watching her go through that agony. i personally know people who died from cancer and other slow-creeping disease, and people who died suddenly (from car accident, heart attack, stroke, etc.). my aunt was able to prepare spiritually and settle things before she died. she died peacefully and her family was able to cope better than those whose loved one died accidentally.

that's why between those two, i would prefer dying from cancer. i prefer the extra time... i also prefer that my loved ones are prepared as much as i am... but that's just me... i would respect others who prefer otherwise...

again, i'm sorry if anyone was offended... i used to be very scared of getting cancer but my perspective changed when my anxious tendencies focused on something scarier (for me at least) in the form of anaphylaxis...

either way, i know we shouldn't be scared of dying since it's natural but it's much easier said than done... *SIGH*

06-07-11, 14:27
nope, i haven't had a reaction to those foods before. that's why it worried me that my tongue suddenly itched a while ago after eating those foods that i normally don't have a reaction to...

the tests were done by an allergologist in a nearby city who studied allergology and immunology in the United States...

i do read labels carefully and try to prepare my own food all the time but it's not always possible. some foods don't have labels (like foods from fastfoods, since those are supposedly 'trade secrets')...

the really scary thing for me about anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) is that you could be eating something all your life and suddenly become allergic to it. that's what scares me. :-(

i also know of more people who died from or have cancer than those who had anaphylaxis... but for some reason, i am more scared of anaphylaxis since it's sudden and could happen to anyone...

Cancer can also happen to anyone....

Cancer sufferers have weeks, months, years of pain and suffering. You would rather THAT? :lac:

06-07-11, 14:44
hello bottleblond. i was multi-tasking between two NMP threads and ended up pasting the wrong reply in this thread.

anyway, i must be crazy, but for some reason, i prefer cancer... XP i know, i know, i'm crazy...

actually, like pb and many others here, i used to be very scared that i'll have cancer. for the benefit of everyone who reads this thread, what helped me conquer my fear of getting cancer is this:

Cancer is very treatable especially when diagnosed early.
I also read that every day, our bodies fight cancer cells from multiplying, as long as we keep our immune system in tip-top condition...

For added peace of mind, I conducted extensive research on the various natural ways that other people have cured their cancer (since I prefer everything natural). I am in the process of collating all the data I gathered and organizing an e-book or a website where I can share it to everyone. If any of you need the info right away, though, I can e-mail the files to you... Just send me a message...

I also personally know at least 5 people who were completely cured from cancer (both through traditional and natural methods). :) So I'm not that scared of cancer anymore...

So, out with cancer... Anaphylaxis is my new fear. @____@

My fiance actually joked that we anxious people seem to transfer our fears from one thing to another. He seems right...

Having anxiety is terrible. @___@

06-07-11, 17:38
Did you know that only 250 deaths a year (across USA and Europe) are attributed to food related anaphylaxis.

Compare that with the number that die from cancer and you will see that you really do not have much to worry about.

06-07-11, 21:55
Hi Nicola,

I think my reflux is made worse with caffeine, so i have made an effort to cut down on teas and coffees today and this has helped.
Ive also got gp appointment on wed as fissure is not healing and will mention my concerns about the reflux.

Nikki - I feel the comments made about cancer are very short sighted. Cancer is a terrible disease and people really suffer. It IS NOT ALWAYS easily treated. My sister made a full recovery from hodgkins disease , but in the process she lost all her hair and fertility.
To make such glib comments is not acceptable.

Thank you Nicola for your sensible comments x

06-07-11, 22:20

Things that they told me aggrevate it are: alcohol, smoking, caffeine, spicy food, acidy food (including fruits), vinegar - that sort of stuff.

I had to go on a bland diet for a while which did help.

10-07-11, 10:33
Sorry to post again!
Reflux really bad at the moment, still taking omperazole that usually works really well.
Going to gp on Wednesday, have cut out caffeine.
Feel scared to eat anything !

12-07-11, 20:11
Hi Mate

It could be as simple as you need to change meds or up the dose . I don,t know where the 1 in 10 turns to cancer comment came from by the other poster as i have been told the opposite from my gp so i would say thats a load of ********.

I take lansoprazole 30 mg but i also need ranitidine occassionally aswell which you can take together (but not within an hour of each other)
Basically the ranitidine works within an hour or so and the lansoprazole (same as omeprazole) is a slow release ppi as i,m sure you know .

My old fella has had reflux for nearly 50 years , as long as we take the meds and its controlled and we watch are diet we will be fine , its when its ignored for donkeys years that problems might arrise . It sounds like the meds have been working well up untill now so i would say theres nothings to worry about . My dad has had to change meds a number of times over the years when one stops working .

13-07-11, 03:04
It could be as simple as you need to change meds or up the dose . I don,t know where the 1 in 10 turns to cancer comment came from by the other poster as i have been told the opposite from my gp so i would say thats a load of ********.

Actually, getting cancer or Barrett's esophagus (which predisposes one to esophageal cancer) from acid reflux is extremely rare, probably even less than 1 in 10 people. For more info:


Barrett's oesophagus is a complication of GORD. It is a permanent change in the lining of the gullet to resemble that of the stomach, intestine or colon. Not everyone who has acid reflux will develop Barrett's oesophagus. Up to 1 in 10 (10%) of people with acid reflux will go on to develop it....

The problem with this adaptation is that the intestinal cells have a small potential to transform into cancer cells. This lifetime risk is 5% (1:20 chance) for men and 3% (1:30 chance) for women. If cancer does develop it is usually in people over 70 years of age.


10% of patients with GERD have Barrett's oesophagus.

http://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CDIQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhealthoracle.org%2Fdownloads%2FB% 2FBarrett%2520esophagus.pdf&rct=j&q=reflux%20barrett%27s%201%20in%2010&ei=JvscTvHTI-70mAW89c3eBw&usg=AFQjCNFajVg_MboOo-nqpTbz5Jg8PzGYpA&sig2=1fV2x-AXQFPLZ8JjodxS5g&cad=rja

It is thought that up to 1 in 10 people who have recurring acid reflux eventually develop Barrett's oesophagus.

13-07-11, 19:18
Thanks for your comments , its reassuring to know that your partner has had reflux for so long and is ok.

I have seen my gp today , who has suggested another endoscopy.

I DONOT think the other post with links to barrets is in the least bit helpful and will ignore this!

Its hard enough struggling with ha as it is!
I might try taking zantac as well as omperazole for a few days.
I think the pain on swallowing might be stressed related.

14-07-11, 03:45
hi pb. just ignore the info about barrett's then. sorry about that... i only posted that to point out how extremely rare it is...

anyway, have you tried making lifestyle changes? i've had GERD/reflux for 2 years now. i also get the lump/pain in the throat feeling. it's terrible.

one of the things that help me whenever i get reflux symptoms is eating an apple. some swear by apple cider vinegar too. other lifestyle changes (avoiding trigger foods, raising the head of your bed, etc.) have also helped me.

i hope you feel better soon.


17-07-11, 08:46
Reflux really bad this weekend. saw gp on wed, who said to carry on with omperazole but also take gaviscon. This hasnt helped at all.
Not sure if i could also try zantac aswell, i think i have done this is the past, but cant really remember.
Now also feeling that i cant swallow - Help !!

18-07-11, 07:42
Sorry to keep posting.
Reflux still really bad even with omperazole and gaviscon !
Also hurts abit when i swallow. Thinking all sorts of things.
Had two endoscopies about 5 years ago, 1st one showed oesphagitis , the 2nd one a few weeks later was normal
Have another appointment with gp in aug. Worried about all sorts of things, think i might have a stricture !
Not sure if the pain on swallowing is anxiety.
This is all too much , as i also have a fissure that hasnt healed !
Please help , soo stressed and in a bad way at the mement .

18-07-11, 13:35
Are you sure it isn't your diet that is aggrevating things?

18-07-11, 19:11
Tea, coffee and chocolate definetley make it worse, but it was really bad yesterday and i didnt have any of these.Going back to gp in a couple of weeks, i know she will send me for another endoscopy, maybe this will help, but worried that results will show damage to my oesphagus.
Have also decided to see specialist for fissure as it wont heal and is so painful.

19-07-11, 01:30
Hey i have been freaking out about reflux most of the day as was finally diagnosed with it yesterday but have had it going on for last 6 weeks or longer so been really freaked out as tried to look online for alternative treatment than pills (i have a phobia of Anaphylaxis and i have minor reactions to most meds) and read the complications of untreated reflux so now keep having panic attacks :( Hope everything goes well for you

22-07-11, 07:28
Been up all night with heartburn, i take 40mg of ompearzole and gaviscon as well. this use to completley control my symptons. Have also been watching my diet, no chocolate or caffeine.
Dont know what else to do , scared it wont get better !

22-07-11, 10:57
What else are you eating ?

Any alcohol or cigarettes?

22-07-11, 11:06
Hi, I've had reflux for about 8 years now and i do still get some problems but not many, you have to remember that being anxious will slow down your digestion and so this dosen't help, I even got to the point that I didn't eat at all! but this also is bad for reflux, just try to relax before you eat (easier said than done i know) XXX

22-07-11, 13:55
I dont smoke or drink. I have been feeling very anxious lately. I spoke to the pharmacist today, he said that 40mg of omperazole is a high dose and anymore probably wont help.
What is making it worse is that im worried about the damage the acid is doing to my oesphagus.
I have drs appointment in 2 weeks, i need to try and be more open about my health anxiety, she doesnt no how worried i get.

22-07-11, 14:12
It could still be other foods you are eating.

Why not list what you eat and we can see if that is aggrevating it as well.

22-07-11, 14:47
Definitely share your anxieties about this with your Doctor.

Just some tips that sometimes help me with my GERD:

Avoid carbonated drinks, coffee, tea and dairy (causes more production of acid)
Avoid High fat content foods and especially fried!
Eat five small meals instead of three heavy meals
Never eat within a couple of hours of lying down
Organic Apple juice seemed to help me, lived off this stuff for three weeks recently, just couldn't stomach the ACV
Avoid heavy processed sugared items including a lot of Carbs
Elevate your sleeping position by 7 to 10 inches, propping up on lots of pillows doesn't do the trick. Put blocks under your headboard or a triangle shaped pillow I hear can do the trick too.
Avoid acidic and spicy foods.
Keep a food journal. Write down what you eat right after a meal and then note any problems you have that day or night.

I actually went organic and vegan for a couple of months. That helped more than anything.

Was also told that Aloe Vera Gel is very good on lowering the acid levels in your stomach. You can apparently purchase this in large bottles at a health food store. Would assume this isn't the same kind you buy for a burn but a more pure drinkable version.

If you don't see a change by the time you go back in two weeks, do ask about Helicobater Pylori. I think the scope should find this, since I believe they do also look for ulcers during this procedure.

Had my gallbladder removed a couple of weeks ago. The Surgeon seemed to think that 80% of my GI issues were being caused by that. He said if I continue with GERD and other stomach issues that we will have to do the scope next :wacko:. Feel like when it rains it pours lol.

RLR from this forum also moderates one on heart palpitations. There are a few good posts on how GI issues can can potentially cause Vagus nerve related palpitations and if you are like me, heart palps cause anxiety and vise versa. He has a suggestion of splashing cold water on your face and lightly pressing on your eyelids "diving effect". If this eases your palps/anxiety then it is possible this is why you have the heightened issues going on. I found a bit of comfort in his writings, might be worth reading it. My accupuncturist shared that you can also rub with a bit of pressure down either side of your throat and get some relief. Do not do both sides at once, she claims you can pass out lol.

Can so relate to how crap you are feeling. Hope you get some answers soon. I had gotten to the point that really was sure I was going crazy.

22-07-11, 14:55
..and on a positive note. I have lost 30 lbs / 2 stone during this!

The problematic GI diet. :lac:

22-07-11, 15:23
I usually have cereal (weetabix or shreddies) for breakfast.
A sandwich (cheese or tuna) for lunch, plus maybe a yogurt or crisps.
For a snack i might have a biscuit or cake.
Dinner varies, chicken, fish , potatoes , vegetables, chips , baked beans on toast, pasta.
I do have small snacks , maybe a small cake or biscuit or yogurt.
I have skimmed milk and decaf tea/coffee

22-07-11, 15:34
I've had acid reflux for about 3 or 4 years now. The only thing that kept it at bay was a daily dose of Omeprazole but they started to give me stomach pains (low down ones) and feel full of wind and very queasy so I had to stop them. I now take Ranitadine 150mg twice a day and Gaviscon in between when i need too. My Dr thinks I am lactose intolerant and I do too as I feel much worse after latte, cereal, chocolate etc. I cut dairy out for 2 weeks and had hardly any stomach complaints but because I am such a picky eater and I eat a lot of dairy I started on it again. Very hard to go lactose free and my Dr even told me not as it can be a very limiting diet, she just said to cut back so am trying too

22-07-11, 15:43
Sounds like it could be dairy like with me, very common for acid reflux to be made worse with dairy products. Maybe be strict and try and cut them out for a week and see if you notice a difference?

22-07-11, 16:10
Your list has a lot of dairy, carbs, starch (potatoes) and the crisps are chocked full of fat as well as starch (sugars) coffee and tea are acidic as well which is a bad thing.

I'm thinking like Cat, try a week without dairy and all of the other junk and see what starts to happen.

Grill your chicken (trim off excess fat) have it with steamed or grilled veg and not of the potato variety lol. Have a turkey sandwich on whole wheat, use sliced apples for some added flavor and no Mayo or tomato. Get baked veggie crisps if you can find them to help with the crisp craving. I found whole grain rice or pasta was the easier to stomach but consumed very small portions. Just try very hard for a week to really cut out the extra fats, sugars and dairy. See how you get on. Not going to lie, it is very difficult to do but I bet you see an improvement.

I have a great bean burrito recipe if you want it for variety. It is chalked full of flavor and has a small amount of fat. Great for lunch, dinner or a snack.

22-07-11, 16:15
I'm like you Cat, I still include things but in very small portions. Not ideal but also don't seem to have the issues by doing this.

22-07-11, 17:34
Thanks, for your help , i will cut out the dairy for a week x

26-07-11, 19:23
Sorry another post, reflux is still bad despite taking 40mg of omperazole and gaviscon . It is especially bad at night and in the evening. I have been watching my diet and have limited my teas and coffees.
Tonight while eating my tea , my chest really hurt when swallowing !
Last night i took an extra omperazole and this really helped, but i know 60mg a day is too much.
I have another gp appointment next friday , so have another week and a half to go.
I have raised the top of my bed up with books , but thats not helping either .
Really worried..

27-07-11, 19:42
Sorry to keep posting, but im at my wits end. Reflux is really bad, especially at night. Pharmacist has suggested taking zantac in the evening as well as omperazole, i have done this tonight but have still got the heartburn.This is never going to get better, Have gp appointment next friday, cant cope anymore !!

01-08-11, 03:53
Thinking what you may have to come to terms with is that you can't limit things, you have to eliminate many things to figure out what is causing it. Trust me it is not easy to do and I very much understand your frustrations. Did this for three months non stop and it is emotionally and physically draining. Seriously got to the point that I said "I just want to lay down and die". The constant annoyance as well as the bland very sparse diet really get to you.

How long have you been on the PPI? Depending on how much damage the fluxing has done, it can take a month or two to heal completely, so I was told. Also was told that the PPI really doesn't last 24 hours despite the claim it does. Maybe take it in the evening before your tea so it is working by the time you go to bed when it is at its worst.

Since my fluxing seems to be sporadic after my GB removal, I went and purchased DGL Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice and it seems to be helping as well. You just have to keep an eye on your blood pressure with licorice root supplements but the DGL isn't supposed to have that chemical in it.

Slippery Elm is another great herbal treatment that will also coat your throat and stomach and help it heal. Make a pot of tea with Slippery Elm, Cinnamon, licorice root and some honey. Tastes delicious and might help ease your stomach too. Stay away from peppermint. Misconception that peppermint is good for the gut but if you have a fluxing problem it may well relax the sphincter muscle which will cause more acid to come up.

Hope when you see the Doctor you can get some answers. Know I keep preaching this but do make sure they check you for H Pylori. If you have never been treated for it before the blood test will be fine. If you have been treated for it then you will need a breath or stool test. Hang in there, you will get some relief and figure this out eventually even if it does seem never ending. :hugs:

05-08-11, 11:28
Hi there, just been reading your post and wanted to say I am struggling with very similar symptoms. I have had acid reflux for 2 years which has been controlled by 20mg omeprazole daily. All was ok until recently. I had a different brand of the omep and after a few days I had a few symptoms return, at first just a feeling like something stuck in my oesophagus and a feeling of warmth under my ribs. This started my anxiety as I was so terrified the acid would return in spite of the omeprazole. I tried taking zantac instead, but that didnt really work either. Since then, the last 6 weeks my acid has got worse. I am taking omeprazole every day and gaviscon several times too, but I can constantly feel the acid burning in my stomach and I am burping a lot sometimes bringing acid into my throat. Nausea and stinging pain under my left ribs and into my back also.

Like you I am really struggling, my anxiety has gone through the roof. I now have to have endoscopy which terrifies me and I have tried so hard to avoid. I wonder if my symptoms are really driven by the anxiety rather than the reflux?? What do you think? I mean could you exaggerate the symproms until they feel really severe, just because you are so worried and aware of them all the time. I have had so many health problems and although the symptoms are different the fear/symptom worsening cycle is the same. Just wondering how much is down to anxiety rather than physical and therefore the medication wont really help??

06-08-11, 19:24
Sorry to post again !!!!
Reflux still bad, omperazole not really working, was due to go to gp on friday , but couldnt face it. have another appointment on wednesday.Today when ever i eat anything my chest hurts, can this happen with reflux. Sooo worried, Think gp will send me for another endoscopy. Hopefully she will also try a different mediaction.
Sooo worried that my oesphagus is damaged , but up until a month ago my reflux has been very well controlled.
Really sorry to keep posting same thing.Do you think anxiety could be making things worse!

13-08-11, 00:52
Hi there, just been reading your post and wanted to say I am struggling with very similar symptoms. I have had acid reflux for 2 years which has been controlled by 20mg omeprazole daily. All was ok until recently. I had a different brand of the omep and after a few days I had a few symptoms return, at first just a feeling like something stuck in my oesophagus and a feeling of warmth under my ribs. This started my anxiety as I was so terrified the acid would return in spite of the omeprazole. I tried taking zantac instead, but that didnt really work either. Since then, the last 6 weeks my acid has got worse. I am taking omeprazole every day and gaviscon several times too, but I can constantly feel the acid burning in my stomach and I am burping a lot sometimes bringing acid into my throat. Nausea and stinging pain under my left ribs and into my back also.

Like you I am really struggling, my anxiety has gone through the roof. I now have to have endoscopy which terrifies me and I have tried so hard to avoid. I wonder if my symptoms are really driven by the anxiety rather than the reflux?? What do you think? I mean could you exaggerate the symptoms until they feel really severe, just because you are so worried and aware of them all the time. I have had so many health problems and although the symptoms are different the fear/symptom worsening cycle is the same. Just wondering how much is down to anxiety rather than physical and therefore the medication wont really help??Since having my gallbladder out and having time to heal up a bit, my anxiety is very low. Maybe one attributes to the other or perhaps the anxiety just makes it feel worse than it is. GI issues aren't fun, I know! Quite sure that this is what has brought me to the point of HA, being sick and not being diagnosed properly.

Seriously have had reflux ONCE since they took out my gallbladder and that was only two weeks out from surgery and after having ate a fatty meal for the first time in months. Not saying either of you have GB issues but there could be more than one GI issue going on. I had three different things at once and now am scheduled for a scope for the first time to rule out anything else since I am now having burning in my gut and heart burn. Possibly just a residual effect of the surgery but better to have it checked and try to move on from this stuff. Jess, have you had your scope yet?