View Full Version : Hi

06-07-11, 10:48

So I am new to the forum, I have been searching it a lot over the last month but this is my first post. I had a little bit of a nervous breakdown whilst traveling alone in South America, started getting panic attacks and didn't know what was happening, ended up having to be flown home with a medical escort (embarassing, but an interesting experience, and insurance put me 1st class which was nice).

Since being home I went through a horrible month of depersonalisation, depression, panic attacks, those crazy thoughts you can't turn off.. but with the help of this websites symptom list that all kind of went away (10mg of citalopram probably helped also). I wouldn't say I'm back to normal, but definitely doing better (I found Claire Weekes book helped quite a bit for calming you down and teaching you not to fight the panic). However, the whole experience has put my health anxiety all the way back up again (this has always been an underlining issue), and I am constantly anxious that I am going to get ill/debilatating headaches and I instantly start catastrophising to the point where I am imagining myself being bed ridden and going through all the worst of it again. I was wondering if people had any advice of how to overcome this? I feel like it is stopping me making a full recovery at the moment.

Also, if you are reading this and you are going through acute panic/anxiety symptoms.. know that it is anxiety and it will go. I know how scary the worst of it can be.

Thanks. x

07-07-11, 00:38
There is no easy solution, but I generally find keeping as busy as possible helps. Do anything you can to raise your self-esteem. Take up new activities etc. Whatever you do try not to end up sitting around with negative thoughts whizzing through your head if you can help it. Try not to isolate yourself either, get out and meet people or even just go for a walk to get a change of scenery. Claire Weekes books are brilliant for helping to deal with panic.


07-07-11, 15:48
Thanks for the message. I am working and keeping pretty busy.. I just feel constantly on edge that something might send me back to how bad I was. And for me I have linked that to headaches and illness to the point where they ahve become obsessive thoughts, has anyone else had this problem or any ways to overcome it?

Thanks again. x