View Full Version : Changing Meds?

obsessive b
06-07-11, 12:56

Has anyone changed from Cit to another meds successfully I am just asking incase when I go to the docs on Friday he suggests changing. I have a slight few red blotched on my neck and chest he doesn't seem to thin it's a reaction to Cit but wants to see me on Friday now i am petrified he is going to changer my meds :-(

06-07-11, 12:59
Yes i have was on Cit onand off for a few years, im now on Sertraline, they are really good and are helping me alot, has Cit been working for u well?


obsessive b
06-07-11, 15:18
Not sure yet really I think my mood is lifting but stil anxious about most things - did doc switch you straight over? If so was it awful?


06-07-11, 19:39
Yeah i had Cit on the wednesday had to wait 48hrs b4 i could take the sertraline tab because it takes 48hrs to get out ur system, it wasnt that bad i was dreading taking a new one, worried about the affects seeing as i went from 40mg on cit to 100mg on sertraline, i felt really sick 1st day and my sleeping patterns were weird well still are actually x

obsessive b
07-07-11, 09:18
How are you feeling now? Do you work and what do you suffer with? Sorry for all the questions lol


08-07-11, 09:43
Im feeling a hell of a lot better and there working great, i do work yes had to have 3 weeks off though due to my anxiety and depression but now back at work feeling good.