View Full Version : really fed up

06-07-11, 14:05
Hi everyone as some of you know ive been having a few bladder issues and have been told i may have irritable bladder any way i had a urine sample tested at the gp which had blood and everything in so was given anti biotics and told to take another sample in when id finished them which i did the sample was no different and the tablets hadnt made a difference so they sent another sample off the same day to lab at hospital that one showed nothing in it was totally clear anyway i had a bit off pain last week so the gp sent another sample off to lab again it was clear no blood or anything anyway a different gp at practice phoned me to say i have to take yet another sample in tomorrow so they can dip stick it then send the same sample off to lab but told me the dip sticks can show blood even if there isnt any but the lab can miss blood in the urine but my gyno told me the sample you send off to the hospital is more accurate and to taken no notice of the gp test as anyone else had this happen to them im so confused and all this is doing is making me more anxious x

06-07-11, 18:04
can anyone at all give me any reasurance

06-07-11, 22:12
Hi bronte,

Dipstick tests can give an outline of what's occuring, but the most accurate test is the one done in the microbiology lab.

From what you have mentioned, I would suspect that what the doctor meant when he said to you about showing blood when there isn't really any, is if a 'trace' showed on the dipstick. Many of us have a trace showing and it doesn't amount to anything. From my experience also, even after treatment you can still show a tiny bit of blood in a test, but certainly nothing to be of great concern.

To be honest with you Bronte, I would not pay much mind to blood/no blood in the urine as it is how you yourself are feeling symptomatically that is more crucial in regards to continuing pain, pain when urinating, etc.

If at this present time you are feeling better overall, and more like things have settled, then that is the most important thing.

Just for the record, at the hospital when we had a blood/protein/leucocyte positive dip test it was always sent off to microbiology as we were told that it IS the most accurate test. It sounds like your GP surgery has been confusing you big time.

Hope things get better for your soon.xxx:hugs: