View Full Version : Had a hepatitis c test today, worried sick...

06-07-11, 17:19
I had a hep c test today, and now I sort of wish I hadn't.

A few years ago, I went through a very short phase of (stupidly) taking cocaine. During this time, on one or two occasions, I shared a snorter with a couple of people who have now been diagnosed with hep c. They were diagnosed about 3 years ago.

I have never really worried about it too much, but for some reason just lately I have been worrying myself sick about this. I decided to go to my doctor and ask for a test yesterday, and I went to the clinic today to have the blood test. Although I only mentioned hep c to my doctor, they are also testing me for hepatitis b (I asked why and he just said it's normal to test for both...).

So I turned up at the blood clinic today, waited my turn, and when I got in there I suddenly thought 'oh my god, do I really want to know if I have this?' The nurse just told me to go and think about it for a while, so I just went and sat back in my car for half an hour deliberating whether it was a good idea to have this test done. I eventually came to the conclusion that if I didnt have the test done, I wouldn't be able to get it out of my mind, and every time I felt ill or had any 'symptoms', I would always start worrying again about whether I have hep c.

So I went back in and had the test. My doc said it usually takes 4-5 working days to get results back, so since it's Wednesday today, I planned on ringing up on Tuesday next week. But the nurse told me to call on Friday to see if the results were in yet, and if not, hopefully Monday.

My test was only a few hours ago and I'm already working myself up about it. If this comes back negative, I will be so relieved I can't even put it into words. But I'm just absolutely terrified about the possibility of having a positive result. I just don't think I'll cope with it. I have anxiety, panic attacks and agorophobia, and the thought of having to go through treatment for this is almost too much to bear. I know there's no point in worrying about something that may never happen, but part of me wishes I had never had this test done. The nurse told me that once I've had the test done, even if I change my mind and decide I don't want to know if I've got hep c, my doctor has a duty of care to tell me.

I've been getting some pain in what I always thought was my stomach, and put it down to some kind of digestion pain, but now I sort of know where the liver is, I am worried sick that I am actually getting liver pain.

I'm just so scared. :weep:

06-07-11, 19:34
seen you had no replies and i thought id put in my thoughts because if youre like me, youll be going out of your mind with worry.

hepatitis at any stage, is manageable and once diagnosed is fairly easily controlled with medication etc. The big fear is always "will it kill me" no it wont. new medicine and research has managed to stop this happening in most cases.

Now, i know youre panicking thinking, does that mean she thinks i do have hepatitis?

NO i dont, i think you do im quite sure you would know all about it by now if you did. and no i dont mean wee aches and pains here and there. Invariably if theres something wrong with your body, it will let you know under no certain terms.

Anxiety & stress makes your symptoms so much worse, try to go back to how you were before you worried sick about this before you make yourself ill with stress

I hope youre okay

06-07-11, 19:34
that was supposed to say i DONT think you do, sorry.

06-07-11, 19:53
Thanks so much for your reassurance. I know you're right really, it's not a death sentence, I keep trying to think of all these poor people that are being diagnosed with cancer every day or being told they have a terminal illness. I should think myself lucky.

I did read somewhere that most people die WITH hep c rather than FROM hep c (i.e. they die from other natural causes rather than anything caused by hep c) but I'm only 23... could I really live another 70 years with this disease without suffering from some kind of problems caused by hep c? I've also read that there are many people who have hep c for 30 years before they find out they have it... damn google! I'm definitely not googling any more!!

I'm getting way ahead of myself here. I haven't even been diagnosed yet. I keep alternating between thinking 'ok, it's not that bad, even if I do have it I can get treatment and I'll be fine, it's not like I'll have terminal cancer', then 10 minutes later thinking 'oh my lord I can't cope with this, I shouldn't have had the test done' and breaking down in tears!! I don't think I've ever felt so awful.

06-07-11, 20:16
hey again

no problem at all

dont use doctor google, ive got chest pain & wee bit of pressure and now i think i have angina lol all thanks to google

In a lot of cases, hep C can be treated to the point of almost curing it, and the medicals= industry believe that within the next 10 years it will be cured entirely. Living with hep C is very manageable but you did the right thing by going to get diagnosed if you dont get diagnosed how will you ever get help. IF, (a big big IF) you have it?

Many people have issues such as liver problems as a result of hep C - again none of which cannot be controlled with medications and treatments.

You will be okay, im quite certain all of this fear and anxiety will amount to nothing.


06-07-11, 20:32
Aah you're so kind! I've been where you are now - I'm forever getting chest pains and Dr. Google has also diagnosed me with angina! I also started getting chest pain whilst running, and needless to say Dr. Google told me this was DEFINITELY angina!

I can't seem to stop googling... I keep reading things that scare the life out of me! My boyfriend keeps telling me that the chances of catching it through the method that I did (sniffing cocaine) are really slim, but then I read something on the internet that tells me I'm at big risk! I can't tell you how scared I am. I can't believe I was so stupid. I wish I had never touched the stuff... but it's too late for that now. I wish there was some kind of fast test they could do so that I could find out within the day - this waiting is killing me. I've got to carry on going to work and trying to act normal, whilst feeling absolutely terrible and sick to my stomach.

If these results come back negative, I am never going to worry about anything again!!

06-07-11, 20:42
oh see that happened to me too, last week i was exercising and overdid it, felt knackered and dizzy but no chest pain, but i skipped a couple of days exercise to get back to normal, but when i went to exercise i was so worried that i would get chest pain and would feel ill with a heart condition that when i exercised...yep you got it, i had chest pains. And now i have constant chest pains and wee pressures that im certain im causing by being so tense. but im so worried! Silly!

Anyways, back to you. your boyfriends right its extremely unlikely. Just remember anyone who writes on google about it isnt writing to say
'i got tested. Im fine.'
everyone writes on the internet with their problems not the good things so we never get to read about the good results.

i know exactly how scared you are ive been there to the point of screaming and being ready to climb the walls lol its horrible but when u get the results which will say ALL CLEAR you will move on and hopefully never look back

everytime you doubt yourself, remember to ask "even if i do, whats the worst that can happen?"

youre guna be fine :) x

06-07-11, 20:56
Isn't it exasperating?! Chest pains are horrible - you can't help thinking the worst can you! I'm absolutely positive that your chest pains are just muscle tension. Maybe try doing some gentle stretches, and just do some light exercise so that you don't overdo it again and end up worrying yourself. That's what I do.

I wish I could be more like my boyfriend - he sniffed coke with these people a LOT more than I did, and he wasn't worried at all. I think me talking about it and going for this test has got him a bit worried actually, but if it weren't for me it wouldn't even have crossed his mind.

I just wish I could learn to relax and not worry so much. I'll try to stay positive, but I keep getting these pains in my left side and I'm convinced it's my liver. I hate this.

Thanks so much for all your reassurance anyway. I'm just going to try and put it to the back of my mind and hope to god the results are back on Friday. I can't bear to think about having to get through the weekend feeling like this.

06-07-11, 21:53
thanks yeah theyre horrible pains and i wish it would go away and let me get on with my life. Ill try that thank you

i understand why you worried, but theres no need to panic, you havent had any symptoms or anything like that your boyfriend has the right attitude. Just dont do coke anymore! Lol

i had those pains too it was a muscle strain caused by stress & tensing my muscles. it wasnt my liver and im certain its not yours. BTW the liver problem i was on about doesnt take affect until yeeeears after being contracted with hep c.
Plus even if it was your liver, by some smaaaaaaaaaaalllll chance, so what? get the tablet & treatment & vamoosh its gone!

The worry is making you worse, go take a bath, think about everything your boyfriend has said, everything i said and then go for a nights sleep. It will make all the difference


06-07-11, 23:00
I know, flippin stupid idea it was doing coke, only did it for 2 or 3 months and havent touched the stuff for 4.5 years, but it's still haunting me!!

If i think logically about the pains in my left side, I can tell myself its muscle pain or some kind of digestion pain from eating too much fibre and not enough water and getting a bit bunged up. I hope...

You're right - if I do end up testing positive for hepatitis, it's not the end of the world. I just have to deal with it, take the treatment and carry on with life. It's no good feeling sorry for yourself. I'm just particularly good at that! I think my fella is getting a bit fed up of me going on about this now - it's just making him worry, and like he said, there's no point getting worked up until we know what's going on. Maybe I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for this as I have truly convinced myself that the test will be positive. Having said that I will still be in total shock if it is. Ok, that's enough now. Time to stop being silly and calm down. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed...

Thanks again for all your support, I really do appreciate it very much xx

06-07-11, 23:15

thought I would offer a word of reassurance. i recently had to be tested for Hep B and C and HIV after a needle stick injury at work. i'm clear fro HIV but have to go bakc in august for another Hep test. It is scary, but the chances of contracting are slim. i know this doesn't help the anxiety but as Holly said it can be managed if the worst happens. Good luck and keep posting if you need a frinely ear or two.


06-07-11, 23:24
Wow that must have been really worrying for you. Are you a healthcare worker? Really glad to hear that you got the all clear for HIV, and best of luck with your next hep tests.

My boyfriend keeps trying to tell me that the chances are slim but I read something on the internet (I know I shouldnt google!!) and now I'm convinced that I have just as much chance of contracting it through sharing a note for sniffing coke than I would be if i had injected drugs with an infected needle! I know that sounds crazy but all it takes is for a minute droplet of blood from their nose to have ended up on the note, and then for me to have had an open cut in my nose, which was possible as I do remember the skin around my nostrils getting a bit scabby because I had started taking coke...

This is making me sound like a raging druggy but that's really not the case, honestly! I tried it once, liked it, and carried on doing it, I guess you could say regularly, for, I don't know, 3 months or something. I stopped when I started getting panic attacks.

Anyway thanks for the words, I'll definitely keep posting when I get myself worked up into a state again (which will probably happen very soon!)


07-07-11, 17:05
Here I am, less than 24 hours later, still worried sick. Can't believe I'm putting myself through this. Wish I'd never been for the test in the first place. Think i would much rather not know than go through this. I just don't think I'll be able to handle knowing that I've got to go through treatment for this. So scared :scared15:

07-07-11, 20:08

I have to visit people in their homes and wasn't paying attention in a heroin users house. Won't do that again!!
The chances are very slim but the worry does stay in your head. Good luck and hope you get the results soon.

Take care.


07-07-11, 22:40
Hi again scoob,

That doesnt sound too nice, did you get stuck with a needle or anything? Hope everything is ok for you. I only had my blood test on Wednesday afternoon, and the doc told me it usually takes 4-5 working days to get the results back.

But the nurse who did the blood test said it would be worth calling my docs on Friday to see if they have the results back yet, so I'll give them a call in the morning. I really can't bear the idea of having to go through the weekend still not knowing.

I have totally convinced myself that I have this; I'm preparing myself for the treatment and trying to get used to the idea of having hep c so that I don't go into a blind panic if I get told the test is positive. My boyfriend can't understand why I'm getting so worked up.

Fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow...

08-07-11, 09:04
Hi Ann88
I am sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish and worried at the moment, and i hope you get your results soon so your mind can be put at rest and you can move on from this. Just thought i would mention this in an attempt to help reassure you, Your liver is located on the right side of your body so any pain you are getting on your left side will not be connected to your liver, it is likely to be contipation or trapped wind or maybe muscle strain. Sat last week i had terrible constipation and trapped wind, it hurt so much i could not move, it lasted a few days but as it began to ease off i was getting a severe pain under my left ribs at the front, it went round to my back, every time i took a breath i was in agony and i was also getting the same pain in my right shoulder, it went on a few days and i was starting to get worried, i was begining to think i was going to need to go the hospital as it was agony, but as i am bedridden from sever M.E a trip to the hospital would be quite an ordeal, anyway to cut the story short it has eased off alot now and i am pretty curtain it was just muscle strain and constipation, how i got muscle strain when i lay lifeless in bed 98% of the time i don't know lol

Anyway please be reassured the pain you are getting has many more likely causes and will not be your liver as it is the wrong side xxx

08-07-11, 13:39
Hi Katie,

You have really helped me to feel better. I googled it and it told me the liver was on the left... goodness knows how I managed to get that mixed up! Flippin google again... it's like an addiction - I just can't stop googling!

I have one question, and I am determined not to google it because I'll only make myself feel worse. Do you know if hep c would be picked up on a full blood count? When I went to the doctor and told him I was worried about hep c, he gave me the blood test form that said I was to have Hep C and Hep B screening and a full blood count. Now I am sure I've had a full blood count a few years ago when I was going back and forth to the docs with anxiety and funny heartbeats, and my boyfriend has also been through some quite serious treatment for another illness and he has definitely had a full blood count done. Do you think if we had hep c, it would have been picked up already?

It doesnt look like I'll get the results today; i've already phoned the docs twice and they said they're not back yet. Looks like I'll have to get through the weekend as best I can and hope for the best. Thanks again for being so kind xxx

08-07-11, 14:43
Hi Katie,

You have really helped me to feel better. I googled it and it told me the liver was on the left... goodness knows how I managed to get that mixed up! Flippin google again... it's like an addiction - I just can't stop googling!

I have one question, and I am determined not to google it because I'll only make myself feel worse. Do you know if hep c would be picked up on a full blood count? When I went to the doctor and told him I was worried about hep c, he gave me the blood test form that said I was to have Hep C and Hep B screening and a full blood count. Now I am sure I've had a full blood count a few years ago when I was going back and forth to the docs with anxiety and funny heartbeats, and my boyfriend has also been through some quite serious treatment for another illness and he has definitely had a full blood count done. Do you think if we had hep c, it would have been picked up already?

It doesnt look like I'll get the results today; i've already phoned the docs twice and they said they're not back yet. Looks like I'll have to get through the weekend as best I can and hope for the best. Thanks again for being so kind xxx


I had a quick look for you as i am not really a HA sufferer so am ok to google, i couldn't really find much info to say yes or no as to whether it would be picked up on a fbc, so what i am going to say is just my opinion not that of a medical professional. I would think although it is not a hep c or b test that it possible would show up a marker in your results for eg elevated white cell count due to it being a type of virus that would lead the doctors to know that something wasn't right and that they needed to do further investigations, also along with the fbc doctors often do other tests like liver function kidney thyroid etc and my opinion would be that something of the test would have shown as not right.

Also with it been a while ago, i feel that you would have more significant sign illness rather than a vague general feeling of unwellness. Your doctor is prob doing the test to put your mind at ease rather than that he was actually concerned that you have hep c.

Also try to think no news is good news, the actuall blood tests in most labs are usually done very quickly (i am not sure of the turn around time for hep b & c tho) but it is often the processing of results that takes the time, they will deal with the more urgent and test results that show a they need medical attention first. I am sure it will be absolutely fine xx

08-07-11, 17:51
Hi guys,

I GOT THE ALL CLEAR!! I am so relieved, I can't explain it. I had truly convinced myself that the test would be positive, and was preparing myself for the awful treatment we would have to go through. Anxiety is an awful thing, and if you let it, it will take over your mind to the point where you literally can't think of anything else.

This may also serve to reassure somebody else in the future who happens to stumble across this post; I shared a cocaine snorter with 2 people who have hep c, and my boyfriend also shared one with them on MANY occasions (way more than I did), and I then shared one with my boyfriend many times, and neither of us have contracted hep c. This was nobody's fault, they didnt know at the time that they had hep c otherwise they would never have shared it with us.

So my advice would be this:

1 - don't do coke!
2 - if you do, use your own snorter. Don't share with anyone if you might be putting yourself at risk. They may have something that they don't know about themselves.
3 - if you have shared a snorter with somebody, of course you should get tested to be safe. But don't get yourself into a blind panic about it. Sharing a note like this does not automatically mean you will contract a disease. But why take the risk?

Thanks so much to Katie, Holly and scoob for all your kind words and reassurance, it has helped to keep me sane this last couple of days. I appreciate it so much. :D

08-07-11, 18:43
That's good to hear, ann!

Excuse my ignorance..I'm in the U.S..what is a snorter?

08-07-11, 20:21
Hi Liliana,

Thanks, it's great! So relieved. Sorry for the confusing term... by snorter I just mean the thing used to sniff cocaine - in most cases just a rolled up £20 note.

08-07-11, 20:24
Glad everything turned out well for you. Now you can have a good weekend.

Take care.


09-07-11, 00:32
hey ann i just checked in to see how you are and am so glad to hear its all clear!!! i told you!!

Youve got your life back now, you must feel so relieved.

:D xx

10-07-11, 16:50
Hi Holly,

I can't tell you how relieved I was. I just wanted to say thanks so much for all your reassurance, you really helped me to put things in perspective. Thanks so much!! xxx

10-07-11, 19:20
aw youre so welcome im so happy for you xxx