View Full Version : pressure that moves up from chest to head

06-07-11, 20:02
hi everybody,

I have been quite well for a few weeks but, had a bit of stress for a couple of weeks. Today whilst cooking dinner my chest felt like it was being squeezed and that my heart had stopped beating then the feeling moved up to my head that caused a head rush sensation as it moved up to my head my cheeks felt flushed and hot. The whole thing lasted about 5 secs is this a mild heart attack. feel quite paniky now anyone else experienced this????


07-07-11, 07:55

has nobody had anything like thiS????


07-07-11, 16:26
I get all kinds of weird feelings caused by anxiety. I do get a head rush feeling even when I do not bend down which feels horrible. I get woken from sleep with head rushes and weird heart sensations. Initially I was really worried that there was something seriously wrong with me but as horrible as these feelings are, most are anxiety. I think I could write a book on all the symptoms i've had caused by stress and anxiety. It is a vicious circle the more you worry then something else turns up to make you think you've got something really wrong with you. I would say if you're worried speak to GP, although I find mine is not really interested in anxiety symptoms and a total waste of time. I learn more from this site than going there. All the best.