View Full Version : armpit issues?

06-07-11, 20:34
hi i suffered with this before and it got as bad as this: http://i53.tinypic.com/28quplk.jpg... it cleared with lots of e45 and all peeled of but never really got back to normal. anyway now its going that way again... i cant even shave properly which is horrible as its summer and i want to.
I used to have a fear of germs so used to use the shower 4 times a day and used to scrub hard and use whole bottles of shower gel/shampoo on my underarms. anything i could get hold of. Anyway i cant have it go like this again. I wash twice a day as i sweat over actively- always have done and its just disgistuing. i have a two minute shower in the morning and i proper one at night when i wash my hair. Why is it going like this again? i cant get to the docs to umm next wednesday so in the mean time shall i just not shave and use dove mosturiser.

06-07-11, 21:30
Emma don't worry, you are seeing docs next week so it will be fine :) Just in the mean time don't shave and try and get hold of some E45 cream possibly? If not just use that dove moisturiser :) It will be fine honestly, the doc should give you some cream which will clear the whole lot up and hopefully it won't come back again :) Remember to just wash with water and nothing else and use your hands. xx

06-07-11, 22:27
You could go to the local chemist and ask what the pharmacy recommends or try HC45.

06-07-11, 22:30
Yer i never thought of that. Maybe ill leave it until monday then go to the docs? ill use minimal shower gel and mosturiser till then and see how it goes. im not anxious about it, it just annoys and upsets me

06-07-11, 22:31
oh and it can get very very very sore. last time i couldnt even get a t-shirt on without crying in pain. and it would burn like hell when i put cream on :'(

06-07-11, 22:38
I would go to the chemist as they could give you something that could ease it. I suffer from psoriasis and I find dead sea shower cream good for my skin. I also use double base gel which is a moisturer prescribed by the dr which leaves my skin soft.

06-07-11, 22:43
Sudocrem will do more good than e45 ..You can buy it over the counter .Use Baby bath rather than shower gel it has no irritants ..Hope it gets better its looks awfully sore .If the over sweating is causing it ,you can have botox in your sweat glands to stop it .Also Mitchum deodorant is the best ,once its healed up ..T/c Sue