View Full Version : Panic attacks during the night.

06-07-11, 20:36
I have suffered with anxiety for many years now and have good and bad days like most here. However I have a new symptom which has got me worrying big time as I'm wondering if it is anxiety/panic or something more serious. For a long while now I have suffered with ectopic heart beats, some days loads other days not many at all. I have had them investigated by various tests and the cardio said nothing to worry but just a pain to live with, too right!! Anyhow I was doing really well trying to ignore them and yes they got less but twice I have been woken from sleep with them and then followed by what would be a full blown panic if I did not talk myself down from it. It feels like I have just ran a marathon from the time it takes me to sit up from lying down, it just comes on totally out of the blue from those ectopic beats? It last for about 5 to 10 mins with my heart beating so fast, makes me feel a bit breathless. I am not aware of having any nightmare that would make my heart race in this way, I don't drink alcohol, smoke or drink tea or coffee. I have had my thyroid tested. I have also had this racing heart feeling once when I was suffering from pressure feelings in my head while sleeping, that would wake me feeling like my head would burst which again is not nice. Although I would not wish this on anyone I would really appreciate it if someone out there who has experienced this could post me a reply. I don't want to start the heart monitor game again if it is just another anxiety symptom.

06-07-11, 20:49
I was given information on panic disorders and it said it's quite common for people to have panic attacks when they are sleeping, and my panic attacks began with me waking up having a panic attack. If it feels like a panic attack, it probably is, but that doesn't mean it's not worth talking to your doctor about.

06-07-11, 22:01
Thanks for reply. Yes I will tell Dr about it. Just seems strange only happens at night when asleep. I do get anxiety during day but most of the time I can use distraction to stop any major panic setting in. Years of experience sadly lol!!

06-07-11, 23:25
It was ectpic heart beats that started my panic attacts off 7 years ago... had tests done.. even had a 48 tape thingy fitted... loads of people get them, even tony blair i believe.... the night attacks where very common for me.. the solution was great... I would watch comedy in bed if i ever woke up... classic faulty towers, black adder etc etc... I got to a stage where i didnt mind having them... it gave me an excuse to indulge. After a while to terror of night attacks became less "terror", and more laughter.

good luck dude

07-07-11, 08:04
LOl! What a good idea. Well to try and trick my mind I just keep telling myself that I have just had a long run and my racing heart will calm soon, otherwise I'd just panic all the way! It's strange though that when I get the ectopic beats during day that it doesn't bring on the racing heart feeling... I think I'll try your idea too, it sounds like a fab idea to me. Thank you for your reply.

10-07-11, 21:12
I sometimes had this during the night! not so much now but i woke up one night breathless and my heart was racing so fast i thought i was going to pass out, kind of like palpatations..i also had tests done and they said the same to me, just one of those things to live with as they couldnt find anything! it's a horrible thing to live with and brings out the panic in me too but i have started to exercise more and i've actually found they don't occur as much.

10-07-11, 22:58
i hate havin racin heart at nite to make me feel rotten and is very scarey i have had few ecgs and a 24hr test dun dec 2010 but everything came bk clear so guess same like others said its just nother problem of panic :( , frustratin and upsetting tho i agree

13-07-11, 21:19
Thank you for your replies, much appreciated. I spoke with the cardiologist who did my tests earlier this year and he said to have an event monitor, so waiting for that now. He mentioned SVT and like a fool I googled it and yes some of my symptoms match. Then again some of my symptoms match a panic attack! Thanks again for taking the time to reply, I am going to try the exercising to help my symptoms, it's worth a try.

13-07-11, 22:04
How awful. I get a racing heart and it scares me. Only once or twice in the past few years at night. I like the tip about watching comedy's...might try that