View Full Version : new and starting CBT

06-07-11, 20:48
:blush:new member alert!
Hi All
I visted this site about 10 years ago and found the support invaluable and purchased various CDS ect. Slowly i have been putting stuff in place myself and have been overcoming my panic:yesyes:.

I still found though that my panic feelings were transfering to different curcumstances and not really completley going away and would keep rearing there ugly head!! For a while something would panic me i would use various techniques and it would go and then when i was feeling anxious i would begin to avoiid feer something else and have to start again. Getting those what if thoughts! that im sure you all know!
I have started CBT and have had three sessions i have found this useful in really looking at my panic but have felt that the feelings have got worse not better. I see the old glimmer but i just feel at the moment that i cant see the light or if i can its only a small dim bulb. My therpist has said this is quite normal but i just cant see how i will ever be panic free i have lived with it so long its part of me !

Its so nice to hear all your stories and im glad i have come back (if that makes sense!!

06-07-11, 20:50
Hi niseynoo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-07-11, 21:30
I just wanted to add that are you sure you are not thinking of the charity No Panic and not this site?

06-07-11, 22:23
possibly it was a while ago ?

06-07-11, 23:11
No Panic sell CD's - that is why I asked.

They don't have a forum though. Anyway it doesn't matter - you are :welcome: here anyway

07-07-11, 15:56
Hi. I would encourage you in your CBT. I have had panic in various guises since the age of 15 (am 45 now) and finally got to grips with claustrophobia which had prevented me from travelling freely using this technique. NHS would not fund it - said I wasn't severe enough but hey, thirty years suffering, so I bit the bullet and paid for a course myself. Sessions 3 & 4 were hardest because I actually had to face my fear and do the things I'd been dreading but my sense of triumph and self-esteem went up enormously after I did them and survived. I learned not to be upset by my body reacting to stimulus (especially heat) and that I needed to ride out the discomfort in order to re-programme my brain into learning I was not in any danger. CBT works so do please keep at it - you will be better for the experience.

10-07-11, 21:45
Thanks for that it helps me stick on in there :)