View Full Version : Bloodclot worries

06-07-11, 21:15
Hi All,

its been a while since I have posted something. But now I really do have a question to you all. Since yesterday the top of my left foot is hurting and I have noticed a slight swelling. As I suffer with HA I always assume to worst so am now worried that I have a clot and will pass out sometime soon and die. Sounds very morbid when I read it like that lol. I was really relieved when I woke up this morning. I have repeatedly checked but cant notice a difference in temperature compared to the other foot so it doesnt feel hot to the touch. There is nothing to see apart from the slight swelling.

Any ideas what that could be? I cant remember hitting my foot or anything.

Any comments would be really appreciated

Tami xxx:blush:

06-07-11, 21:44
Are you sure it isn't an insect bite?

07-07-11, 11:24
Thank you for your reply, I don't think it is. Can't see any bite and it hurts most when I walk without shoes? How weird! :-(

Tami x

07-07-11, 12:13
Hi Ihatediets,

I do some running (ok mostly walking haha) and top of the foot pain can be related to the metatarsal bones in the feet and just plain old tendon strain or inflammation.

I had exactly this a few weeks ago where it was absolutely fine then I stood up and hurt across the top of my foot when I was walking around! Mine didn't feel different temperature either and I also hadn't hit my foot. Sometimes it can just be how your foot strikes the ground, or having worn too tight a shoe or something like that. a lot of tiny bones and tendons in the foot and they can get inflamed really easy and swell and we put a lot of pressure on them every day whether we run or not. It can also be metatarsal fracture, but if it was that you would definitely know it :)

07-07-11, 13:13
Thank you very much, your reply has put my mind at ease big time! :-)

Hope you are going to have a fabulous day x

Tami xxx