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View Full Version : Muscle spasms in chest/lower ribs

07-07-11, 02:15
Earlier on at work I had a strange sensation in the left side of me chest, and being terrified I have something wrong with heart on a daily basis anyway, it gave me quite a scare. Felt me heart rate and it appeared to be pretty clockwork, but the spasming sensation was totally off beat. First thing I did was panic as I had a horrible thought it was my heart, and I had to get away from the front of the shop, with it being a busy hour this met a bit of protest, and then when they saw me with my hand massaging my chest they looked as worried as me, which made me panic even more! made it feel frighteningly more real, and I had to sit out. Once I'd calmed down I felt mentally more calm, but I was still getting the spasms, and the supervisor told me to go home, the drive was quite theraputic but once i got home I took of me shirt n looked at the area in question, I could actually see the movement, but still my heartrate was normal. It did eventually die down, but hell it gave me a scare, hoping it doesnt become a regular thing. Anyone else had this or similar experiences?

07-07-11, 16:44
I've had this, it can just be a bad muscle spasm. Do you tend to sit the same way a lot during the day? I spend most of my day sitting at the computer and I find I carry tension in my upper chest and back that can cause this.

07-07-11, 21:05
sounds like a muscle spams i get these and so does my oh they really hurt x

Mrs worrywart
07-07-11, 21:55
I have had this and freaked out !! as others have said it is prob a muscle spasm, I too could see it moving. I stretched around a bit and it righted itself but VERY scary! Try not to worry too much:)

17-07-11, 19:42
I dont think I sit very well, and at work the least of my worries is me posture, so it could well be a factor.
It's definitely frightening, but as ye say, stretching and stuff usually sorts it out

17-07-11, 20:07
hi i think you may suffer from musclerskelatrol cant spell it i had same i was massaging my chest with shooting pain left me gripping my chest i had ct scan a blods which all cllear apart from dimer high but they belive trauma to that, picking my daughter up didnt help lasted 2 months but loads of strong pain killers helped

17-07-11, 20:35
Had exactly same for a long long time which progressed to my arms,doctor gave me vitamin B supplements which started taking them away after a few days as apparently this can caused by small nerve damage,vitamin B repairs damaged nerves