View Full Version : 23 Year Old Male - 5 Months of hell

07-07-11, 11:06
Hey everyone

im Mark
Sorry for such a long post
about 5 months ago i started getting panic attacks, at the the time i didnt know thats what these were, i used to feel sick in my chest and then overheat quickly sweat, become very aware and feel like i was about to die, typical panic i then found out.

As i researched panic attacks they started to change, befroe they lasted an hour and i had to count seconds on a stopwatch because the attacks felt like hours but were only minutes. I started finding my pulse in my temple and feelingit reduce as i calmed down. Then i bought a pulse monitor watch and that helped alot because in the throws of a panic i could watch my pulse go down on the watch and get myself out of an attack in seconds

The bad part was that i became obsessed with checking my pulse every 5 secs and then started to get worried when *i thought* it was too low whoch meant that all day long i was in a state of anxiety even though my pulse stayed low

so recently ive managed to see a secodn doctor who told me my heart sounded find and that all the symptoms i had noticed gave him no concern about my heart, this was the best thing that has happened so far. thats was nearly 2 weeks ago and since then i have felt great but the last few days i seem to have slipped back into feeling weak, tired and shaky.

All i can put this down to is that on tuesday i had a blood test in the morning and its my biggest fear, so i had been worked up for the whole day beforehand and then when i got there they couldnt find a good vein so it had to be rebooks for the back of my hand, could i still be recovering from all the adrenaline and anxiety over the blood test because i didnt actually have it so my body didnt get its release if you understand?

Sorry for such a long post, thank you fro reading and lovely to meet you all

07-07-11, 11:07
Hi scarewaves

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-07-11, 12:06
Hi Scarewaves,

Welcome to the forum - I am still very new here myself and I really sympathise with your situation (Been there myself).

Best wishes!

07-07-11, 14:38
Oh no that's my worst nightmare, I hate blood tests as it is. No wonder you're anxious.
It sounds to me like that's what's triggered it.

Plenty of rest and have a chill over the weekend.

Emily xxx

13-07-11, 16:54
Hi Scarewaves. I understand how you feel aswell as many others on here. I have been told that after a panic attack or anxiety attack your body can take days to recover. so it may be the blood test that has done it, just take it easy and hopefully you will be feeling your old self again real soon..

13-07-11, 20:59
Mark welcome

you are not alone.

but you can beat this if you read all the advice on this forum.

Learn how to breathe and how to confront the panics head on.,

You are NOT going to die - nobody has ever died from a panic attack..

Once you BELIEVE that your actually ok and its just a bodily hormone/chemical malfunction you will soon get them under control.

Im terrified of injections and have an attack after every single one but if bloods taken i have no reaction at all. Learn what the trigger is and then work out how to beat it. You really are a healthy young man with your whole life ahead. Beat it now!