View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes

07-07-11, 16:18
Hii! im a 17ry old male, ive had swollen lymph nodes for about 2 years now. They are all around my neck, groin and armpits, most of them are about 1-2 cm in size. They are quite firm but can move. I read things about lymphoma and get scared! ive been to my GP once and she had a feel of one on my neck and said it will be becuase of ur acne but I am still worried about them, what are shotty nodes? could it be them? can you have permanent swollen lymph nodes? someone please help me out! thanks very much :D x

07-07-11, 16:21
Please note: I dont have any other symptoms, no drenching night sweats... Im a healthy person in general :) thankyou guys!

09-07-11, 15:34
I am suffering with HA and depression which started from a swollen lymph in my neck 3 years ago, it has been there all the time but does increase in size if i get ill,

I have had MRI and ct scans which has brought nothing up i am now taking sertraline.

You've got to try and convince yourself that after 2 years others symptons would be happening

10-07-11, 15:53
Ask your Dr about Sarcoidosis. I had them symptoms inc sweats at night though for me and I was disgnosed with that. It's pretty rare thing so your chances are slim to none. Mine has went down in my neck e.t.c but my lungs still has um so the Dr said a while ago.

10-07-11, 20:38
Hi, I totally feel your pain. I have a lot of palpable lymph nodes...multiple ones in my neck and also my collar bone (which freak me out the most). I have had blood tests, an ultrasound, a CT scan, and a PET scan. All normal. The doctor doesn't seem to think any of them are big enough to biopsy. None of this keeps me from worrying though. Hopefully, we'll both be able to move on and stop worrying sooner rather than later.

11-07-11, 20:30
Thanks very much for the support guys, I think I should be fine since im getting no other symptoms, but its the fact that they are there, freaks me out haha! keep in touch guys and we will get through this!! all the best :)
ps. too worried, how big would you say yours are? and are they soft/hard etc??

11-07-11, 21:34
The ones around my collarbone that I'm most worried abot are quite small...less than a cm I think. I'm not sure if they would be considered soft or hard, but I can move them around. I have one (or maybe a few close together) on the back of my neck that seem significantly harder, larger, and more fixed. They've been there for a long time. I'm kindof confused abot those, though, b/c when I got my CT scan, the doctor said none were over 2cm, but this feels like it is....so maybe it's something different. Sorry, I'm rambling. What do yours feel like?

13-07-11, 00:44
wow mine are very similar, i have very very small ones that are almost not feelable around the colarbone.. but the ones around my neck and under my jaw are bigger and yes some of them are close together! some are fixed and some can move.. Have you heard of 'shotty nodes' before...?

13-07-11, 04:33
I have heard of shotty nodes. The way I understand it, they are nodes that enlarged at one time or another in response to something and just never went back to normal. I do wonder if that's what's going on with the larger ones in my neck. Do any of yours feel sore? The ones near my collarbone feel a little bit sore, but the other don't at all.

13-07-11, 17:50
no most of mine dont feel sore..but sometimes the ones under my chin do get sore... and yes i was thinking maybe mine are shotty nodes, since as im a teenager i get acne, not really bad, but i still get it.. so maybe the nodes are responding to that... thats what my GP suggested straight away. but then i question, why are there very small ones in my groin area.. any thoughts? and how long have you had your swollen nodes? do you get any other symptoms? :)