View Full Version : Looking Very White I was told pain in the leg bad anxiety

07-07-11, 19:49
Hi there for the last few days Ive been getting a gnawing pain in my left leg, I have varicose veins and I thought that that might be it. I got stabbing pains in my chest when I was lying down in bed last night so I took indigestion tabs and a valium and managed to get 4 hours. I had a couple of cups of coffee this afternoon so I was feeling all jittery which is normal for me but when I went to Asda I met this friend I hadnt seen for ages and she asked me if I looked alright I looked awful white. Well this has set me off Ive been checking in the mirror every 2 minutes counting my pulse which is fine and googling which is not fine. I had a test done 6 months ankle brachial index and the results was I do have less circulation in my left leg now I am worried Ive got a blockage. And Ive had left arm pain a few times today and now Im sure its my heart, I had an ecg 6 months ago, but I keep thinking things could have changed. Im really uptight I dont want to take another valum as I dont want to get into a bad habit. What would make someone look awful white apart from the bad things on google. Could tiredness make you look really white?

07-07-11, 21:05
Hi - I had a varicose vein removed many years ago and I still somtimes get that kinda of pain in my leg.

If I got a pound for everytime someone tells me I look pale I would be a very very rich person by now :) The fact that you only slept for 4 hours probably made you look washed out. I know that with lack of sleep I look even whiter than usual not helped with dark rings under my eyes. Do you think this could explain why this friend had commented on your ghostly appearance? HTH

07-07-11, 21:13
I have to agree with the previous poster. All my life out of the blue people have told me that I look this way and that. My mom used to tell me I looked pale or ash colored and over the years I have been told I look tired or one way or the other. Im 56 now so guess there wasnt too much wrong with me .:) Anyway dont worry about it. Most of us that get anxious tend to have weird expressions during those anxious times.

07-07-11, 21:48
Thanks everyone feeling a bit better now

07-07-11, 22:03
Hey I am thr very same way with connecting syptoms, but they may not be connected, I find I can calm myself down and think logically but then they are other times I cannot tell if I am over reacting,
If you think this is just going to cause you a lot of anxiey go see your doc if you think you will find it reasuring.
I dont have any medical advice to offer as ive never been in your situation, hope you'll feel better soon