View Full Version : Does anxiety cause breathlessness thinking about going to a and e

07-07-11, 20:43
Hi Im really breathless and I keep on trying to catch my breath. I was wondering if breathlessness is caused by anxiety as I am really anxious and feeling light headded, thinking about going to a and e

07-07-11, 20:47
Hi gordie1
I wonder whether you are having a panic attack, i suffer from them and it is really hard to catch your breath, they are extremely horrible but not life threatening..its to do with the flight or fight syndrome..

07-07-11, 20:49
yes yes yes yes yes

i have this every day hunni and it truly is horrid xx

07-07-11, 21:00
yes its horrid and gets worse when you start thinking about it

do you ahve a paper bag breathing in and out of that is ment to be good

or could you try some breathing exercises? xx

07-07-11, 21:01
yes its a panic attack dont worry do your breathing

23-08-11, 21:21
Hi all.I suffer from anxiety and panic it's horrible feeling.my head is clouded with negative thoughts.I start shaking and feel tired and sick.it goes like that nearly all through the day.I tried beta blocker and don't like it.are all these normal

23-08-11, 22:06
Yes, I've had that in the past. The problem is, the more you focus on it the worse it seems and the harder it feels to breathe. Try to distract yourself. Make sure you breathe slowly and deeply.

23-08-11, 22:07
Hi. I had days like this and also were i could notice every breath i took. Try some breathing exercises and take care you will be ok remember this is just anxiety taking over.