View Full Version : im sick of them all

07-07-11, 20:48
saying im depressed because of my anorexia nervosa, no i am not, im depressed because well not sure, i lost a close relative, apparently im depressed because of my eating ways and not grieving :wacko::weep:

i hate my psyhchologist, i don't want to go back to see them ever agai, i want to discharge myself, i can fight the eating problems myself they don;t help me, they make me feel worse, i have improved, they tried saying i lost weight thats wrong ive remained stable this year, im alot heavier then last, they set unrelistic target for me to reach in 4months and of not there will be discharged and hospitalized, why force me into hospital setting which wont help anxiety and depression etc, why ddo this when im much heavier then last year, why not when i weighed less :wacko:

im now soo stressed, i can do without it, i want to discharge myself and just let gp weigh me, they say not to as i need psychologist but whats point onkly a few sessions less, id rather discharge myself now then them do it and force hospital on me

go said they can;t do that,why did pyschologist make threats then :weep: but if i discharge myself gp said id be hospitalized anyway if my weight was to drop, but i will not let that happen, i can do this, but just without the pressure of the stupid eating disorder servies which are useless

11-07-11, 12:44

I thought write, if only to let you know you are not on your own.

Well done for gaining weight, hopefully you will carry on improving. Its good to hear that you are determined to do so.

You dont seem very happy with the help and support you are getting. It cant be easy for you or them. Try and stick with it, I say that because it sounds like you need more support not less. And I dont really understand anorexia ... but like all problems that have a lot of control over actions, you will always be in a kind of love / hate relationship with anybody trying to take it away from you.
To help you cope better and feel less stresssed, maybe you need to talk about your frustrations with the help and support system that you are in. And do it away from them, so you can vent your feelings about your situation, like you have done with this post.

Sorry to read about your loss. Its probably better just to know when you are feeling depresssed and ways to fight against it, rather than why its happening.

Do try and stay positive about your future. Good luck with all this. You take care.