View Full Version : feeling wobbly and a bit scared......

07-07-11, 21:34
Hi there

Have not posted for 'ages' as have been doing ok. Over the past few weeks though I have been convinced something has been going on with my heart whilst I sleep. I am aware of palpitations/odd feelings whilst asleep.

I saw my doc who checked out my heart and did an ECG the results of which were fine. I have been put on Zopiclone at night and also oxazepam if necessary.

Last night I went out unexpectedly so only took half a tablet before bed. I am convinced I woke up with pain in my left arm...... obviously this reinforces my thinking that I have a problem with my heart and I am frightened to go to bed this evening.....! I have been fine all day today, albeit a little tired. Did I imagine this or is this something to worry about - trying to be rational but struggling........would really welcome any thoughts.

Thanks, Shep.:scared15:

07-07-11, 21:54
Any one.............

07-07-11, 21:57
Give it time and people will reply.

I would say you slept on your arm to be honest.

07-07-11, 22:32
Hi Shep, if your doctor examined you and did an ecg any problems would have been picked up. Seriously, the more you worry the more you'll have palpitations.
I often have palpitations and fluttery feelings and have done for many years, all sorts of things make mine worse, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine to name a few.
Go to bed and have a good sleep, you'll be fine mate x