View Full Version : fear of getting worse

07-07-11, 23:55
I really can't shake this feeling that things are going to get worse.. I have been doing so well over the last 2 months or so, things are slowly starting to fit back together, but of course I can't help but think the classic 'what if.. i get ill/bad headaches' and it sends me back to where I was. only been dealing with this for a couple of months, do these obsessive thoughts ever disappear?

08-07-11, 10:22
I really can't shake this feeling that things are going to get worse.. I have been doing so well over the last 2 months or so, things are slowly starting to fit back together, but of course I can't help but think the classic 'what if.. i get ill/bad headaches' and it sends me back to where I was. only been dealing with this for a couple of months, do these obsessive thoughts ever disappear?

i don't that know that they ever disappear completely but they certainly get less and less and not as bothersome as they are at the beginning, unfortunately its just one of those things that take time and if your as impatient as i am then its a bit of a drain lol.

Don't lose heart though just keep your chin up

Kayleigh x

08-07-11, 14:44
Thanks. As soon as I think positive and be a bit proactive, i just picture things getting a thousand times worse and a big old downwards spiral. I keep thinking I should be doing something to beat the anxiety.. but is sometimes doing nothing the best option? just letting time do its thing, or is this a recipe for disaster? there should be like a 'definitive guide to beating anxiety' page. ah, back to the world of uncertainty and what ifs. x

08-07-11, 15:21
I do think that doing nothing and ignoring the anxiety can work because by ignoring it you are not fuelling it and just saying i know your there anxiety but I dont care and your not bothering me, this way you are not giving it the ammunition because the anxiety wants you to worry and be scared so don't give into it really. You keep being positive and proactive and you will start to see the difference.

earlier this year I was a complete mess, according to my family I was in a very bad place, but slowly I am doing more and pulling myself through it, Im not saying im better because i am not and the anxious feelings are still there but i have found that ignoring them are getting easier.

Kayleigh x

08-07-11, 21:02
Thank you. Well done on you getting better, slowly does it i suppose. I just want my quality of life back.. seems so weird that only 2 months ago i was traveling in south america and now i am just about functioning. How do you beat this!? x

08-07-11, 21:31
i dont think anyone will know how to beat it unfortunately, its just a case of learning to deal with it so it isnt such a prominent issue in your life. I am not 100% but better than i was, CBT has helped me a lot though. I know what you mean when you say 2 months ago you were travelling and having fun. I was the same last year, working, going out with friends having fun, moved in with my bf and then it all came to an abrubt halt!

10-07-11, 18:58
I know exactly what you mean. The better I feel, the more it looms in the background. It's as though my head doesn't understand how not to worry.

But, I've been having CBT and keeping busy and I do feel like there's an improvement. I don't think something like this ever goes away but eventually the good days will totally outweigh the bad people learn to control their own anxiety. Good luck :)