View Full Version : i banged my head again...

08-07-11, 06:44
had an accident with a friend yesterday which caused my hairdryer to fling on my head fast and hit it. also last night going up to the bunk twice in the middle of the night tapped the bun i had on the top of my head lightly... panicking. my biggest fear is hemmorage. :\

08-07-11, 06:44
i have to go to college in about 40 mins and im scared out my mind. im hot, feel funny and sick :(

08-07-11, 10:15
There is nothing wrong, just think there are thousands of people that hit there head harder and nothing happens. Think about boxers and fighting people, they get hit most days and they havn't had a hemmorage. Just try and calm down and relax x

08-07-11, 12:16
I think you're fine. You're feeling hot and sick because of the anxiety. I bang my head all the time and haven't had anything serious happen yet. :)

08-07-11, 17:11
Sure you are just fine Em.ma.

I have banged my head off things loads of times. A few years ago I whacked my head on a golf cart (of all things) as I misjudged how low down it was when getting into it. I seriously thought I had concussed myself and had a massive lump and bruise on my forehead.

I was less worried about the injury than I was saying the 'f word' very loudly in front of the driver when I did it! Mortified.:scared15:

Your symptoms were probably just anxiety related hun so worry ye not.


08-07-11, 18:47
hi. thanks for all the reaurrance. however i also just got a sore feeling on top of my head were i tapped it once.

09-07-11, 01:33
I think you would probably know if it was that bad. In fact you probably would have gotten knocked out, no?

09-07-11, 20:54
thanks. i was on train today and it was wobbling everywere. i dont think i hit my head but one side of my neck and arm is area is killing me. it hurts so much. also was just using hair straigtnhers to curl hair and i can feel were it tugged on a whole lot to hard. i can also taste sick in my mouth. i feel ill.

09-07-11, 21:11
Hi again Em.ma,

You are definitely ok. Two days after the injury without any main head injury symptoms or deterioration means you are fine.

4 hours post injury is the guideline to watch for sickness, dizziness, drowsiness which are signs of pressure inside the skull, ie. bleeding.At work, after 4 hours we would let people home if they didn't exhibit any of these things.

You will be aching as you had an accident, so I assume you knocked yourself about a bit.

Take care and hope you feel better soon.xx:hugs:

09-07-11, 22:01
thank you :)

10-07-11, 18:47
feel really ill today barely able to move. didnt get out of bed till midday and ive spent the whole day basically lying down on the sofa with my eyes closed and yawning.

10-07-11, 18:54
also i feel a sore bit on one side of head were i think the hairdryer hit. the train was so wobbly yesterday everyone was literally flying everywere and i dont know if i hit my head. im really panicking.

10-07-11, 18:55
if defintly is sore were the hairdryer hit. :'( very close to crying now actually. i really think i will suffer brain bleeding soon.

10-07-11, 19:04
id be less worried if it wasnt sore were it got knocked really hard. It wasnt like a gentle hit my friend had tripped over the wire and it went flying ontto my head and hit it.

10-07-11, 19:05
also worried as ive hit is so may times this year. lamposts, stones, rollercaosters, hair dryers, walked into doors.

10-07-11, 19:06
and also worried as i gently tapped my bun on top of my head going to bed in the middle of the night the same day. i feel like im having a mini panic attack

10-07-11, 19:07
one last thing is i had severe pain in one shoulder neck yesterday, with muscle tension i always get both

10-07-11, 19:12
I was also meant to meet a friend this evening but i cancelled because i cant stop this feeling. Why is it sore were it was knocked.

10-07-11, 19:35
really need some advice desperatly.

10-07-11, 19:43
also just got a pain were the soreness is. im barely able to move and keep my body up. people will say u wudnt be online if u was that ill but i have a very very high pain tolerance.

10-07-11, 20:34
Hi Emma -

First things first, take some big, deep breaths and clench and relax everything - arms, legs, shoulders, etc. Try if you can to focus on your breathing and calming down.


It is far too late after the injury for that to happen. If you did have that it would have been bleeding slowly since you did it and you would probably not be conscious now, if not before.

It sounds to me like you banged your head badly and probably have bruised it. Think about how a bruise can pain you on the arm or leg. The skin on the head is tugged and pulled a lot from hair brushing and we have to lie down on it so it will hurt you and you will notice it.

You will feel rotten if you are worried and anxious too.

What you said though is very true. If you had any kind of haemorrhage you would not be well enough to focus on typing here.

If you don't mind me asking, you mentioned from your first post an 'accident' you had where the dryer hit you head. What kind of accident was it, and did the rest of you get knocked about? Could this be why you feel so rough?

Try, try, try to put all thoughts of a severe head injury away.

It is just high anxiety talking hun.

Big hugs to you.xxxx :bighug1:

11-07-11, 09:03
Thank you. It really helped a lot to hear this i was fine until i got up to use the loo at midnight last night and i went all wobbly on my feet and ended up falling back onto my bed. i really dont feel right at all. i feel ill and sick- im yet going to have another day on the sofa i just feel funny.

11-07-11, 10:18
everything hurts all over my body. I feel really ill and i honestly feel like i am dying. My forehead hurts and i just want to cry. All i want to do all day is sleep

11-07-11, 16:38
i really feel very very ill and drowsy and get occasional head pains were the soreness was and in other places. im yawaning and just want to lie down.

11-07-11, 17:30
also now on bottom of foot theres this one little area that feels funny. dont know how to describe it but feels like something stuck to it but there isnt.

11-07-11, 19:11
also just got real bad pains on top of head- it really hurt

11-07-11, 20:04
i also just got up and felt like id gone back and the banged the back of my head. two nights ago i even had a dream. well i dont know if this bit was a dream that id hit the back of my head but it felt so real like id had and i ended up at the docs and he was asking me to move m neck side to side like they always do

11-07-11, 22:01
Emma.. please calm down, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. If your that worried then either call nhsdirect or go on there symptom checker and request a call back, i know you told me you dont have a phone to use, but if your that worried you can try and find one. honestly you are going to be okay x

12-07-11, 19:24
today i was on a really joltly bus and idk if i hit my head or not :( also got vomit coimg up in mouth. really concerned now.