View Full Version : Poorly Doggie

08-07-11, 11:45
Hi haven't been here for a while,thing's have been alot better for me,but I do pop in to keep up with NMP.

Im feeling pretty anxious today my little dog Ollie is poorly and there not sure whats up.He has had bloods taken today and Im waiting on the results this evening.Im really scared he is 11 now and I know allsorts can start happening.
We think it maybe his teeth but they wont put him under aneasthetic until he is 100% and they rule out anything else.:weep::weep::weep:

Im picking up a new bunny today as well and that was supposed to a happy time but now Im scared anxious and getting very down.

Thanks for listening to me moan.xxxxx:hugs:

08-07-11, 19:58
Hi hun,

Nice yo see you although under difficult circumstances, just to say I am hoping for the best for Ollie and sending you a great big hug. I hope a snuggle with your new bunny today gives you some comfort.


08-07-11, 22:04
Awwwww Yorkie

I hope Ollie makes a full recovery.

Thinking of you


08-07-11, 22:28

Wishing your poor little doggy well and a big hug.


09-07-11, 00:09
Blood test's were ok but they want him in on Monday to do his teeth.He still isnt eating and Im worried sick about him,even more so for Monday going under aneasthetic!!!!:ohmy:

macc noodle
09-07-11, 07:00
Teeth is a common problem to older doggies - I am sure that the vet would not give him anaesthetic if concerned about outcome.

I will be thinking of you and Ollie and wish you all the best - you will be so much better when he is wagging his tail again and begging for tasty titbits.


Macc Noodle

Hazel B
09-07-11, 12:07
Hope it goes well, he probably can't eat as it's too painful. Take care and let us know how you get on.:)

09-07-11, 14:37
Hello Yorkie lover :)

dont fret if you can ......easy to say I know ...........he will be fine honest.
my elderly collie had teeth out when she was same age under anaesthetic .
came back to my horror almost toothless :ohmy:.........within a week she was chomping her food no bother . bit sorry for herself first 24 hours but then no worry.
and her breath was much sweeter too:).
your loved dog will be ok ...dont worry xxxxxx

09-07-11, 15:03
I know that usually its anxiety we all suffer from but yours is a perfectly normal reaction to you pooch being poorly, here is a website that you can join and they are great with yorkies and will talk to you when you are worried, I hope the Mods dont mind me putting the link? if you do sorry but its a non profit making site so not commercial.
He will be fine and yes his teeth will make him very poorly if they are not done, is he on antibiotics? if not he needs to be before he has op this way he will not be so prone to infections after, as vet today if you can pick some up.

09-07-11, 18:51
Thank you for support everyone who replied.And thank you for the link will take a look.xxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

09-07-11, 20:24
Sending you and Ollie big hugs hun and i'm sure the vet won't take any risks.


Love Lisa

09-07-11, 23:51
hi ellen
i hope everything turns out ok for ollie which im sure it will. i know how much we worry about our pets. i will pm you as i ihave something to tell you
love debera x x:hugs::hugs:

12-07-11, 13:10
Ollie had 1 large back tooth out,he is a bit better today.Last night he was groggy and crying but better today bless him.:hugs:

Thank you for all the support.xxxxxxx:hugs:

12-07-11, 18:53
Thanks for the update,

Really glad he came through it ok, hopefully he will be back to his usual self in no time :)
