View Full Version : Fed up

08-07-11, 12:15
Hi folks. A little bit about me. I am 37yrs old I ride a mountain bike daily and also ride motorbikes on a regular basis. I know that i am a worrier and always have been.
About a month ago I woke up with a headache and a had a bit of a tingle on my right side, Yep you got it I convinced myself that I had a brain tumor. So I spent a week thinking about that. Then I woke up on the morning of my daughters birthday with tingling in my hands. I then did what I shouldnt have done and googled it, top of the list was MS. I then spent two weeks thinking about nothing but that. I went to my Doctors,who spent more time typing then looking at me,who basicaly said he could see no reason for me to be worring,but that didnt stop the way i felt. I went back to my own Doctor a week later who sat down and spoke to me and not the screen,and said that i have got mild Carpal tunnel syndrome. I felt on top of the world then to know what it was. But then the doubt started to creep in. I found that i was getting on top of it then something else would happen,I keep getting tingles in my back, and now a burning feeling in my knee, and I am still not eating well, as i just feel sick when I think about eating. It is starting to drive my wife mad as she is the logical one. As I a typing this I an starting to understand that I need to put two and two together and make four,not six million. Its good to know that I am not alone and just wanted to know if there is anyone else who feels like this. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Am I suffering from anxiety?

08-07-11, 12:26
isnt anxiety great!?
i get tingling in my hands and feet, i also get burning sensations down my legs, alll anxiety, great isnt it!! haha

08-07-11, 13:41
Hi Toby.

The fact that you misconstrued a natural perfectly normal headache into the signs of a brain tumour leads me to believe that you do indeed suffer from health anxiety.

Fear not though, anxiety is not as rare as you may think and you will definitely get over this and get on with your life, it may take 4 weeks, it may take 4 months, but you will be able to beat this. :)

Your wife should be a bit more supportive aswell by the sounds of it, you can't help how your feeling can you? Maybe just explain to her whats wrong and then hopefully she will show a better understanding. I know knowing you have loved ones around you showing you support and care will definitely help you recover quicker.

Good luck!

08-07-11, 19:10
Thanks to you both for your replys. I will take it all on board and move on. Thanks again.