View Full Version : severe anxiety for 6 weeks

08-07-11, 12:15
hi, i've suffered from health anxiety and depression for many years now, i had cbt a year and a half ago which i found very helpful until 6 weeks ago.

I was in the shower and found a tiny lump next to my anus. My rational side thought "pile", unfortunately my irrational side thought anal cancer. I worried for a week and a half before seeing my gp who examined me and told me it was a pile.

That should have been enough to ease my mind but of course it was'nt. Then i went back to see anoher gp who examined me and confirmed what the first gp said.
In all i've been examined twice and seen/spoke to 5 other gps about this. I also have ibs, had it for over 20 years. Always worse when i'm sressed. The day i found the lump i had diahoreah and the next day too.

Since then i've had intermittant diahoreah and soft stools aswell as normal bms. Every gp i've spoken to has said that its the anxiety causing it but i'm really stressing over it. Every morning i wake up feeling really anxious, pins and needled in my arms and nausea.

Since this all started i've lost my appetite, i've lost weight and its a vicious cycle.

Anyone else experienced this with anxiety? Finding it hard to cope.

08-07-11, 12:28
i got piles, because i was sooo stressed! then i was stressing about the piles and that gave me diahoreah, i always get the runs when im really paniced :) i think alot of people do x

08-07-11, 18:47
hi thanks for your reply,

I'm just so worried, feel sick and scared all the time. I can't function properly at all.

Anyone else who can relate to this?

08-07-11, 22:08
anyone? Please, i feel so scared.

08-07-11, 23:07
If you wake with pins and needles you might have been laying on your arm as you were asleep? anxiety/stress affects us all differently i sometimes need the loo a lot if i'm anxious, try to relax, but do not stop eating you will make things even worse.

09-07-11, 09:16

The pins and needles come and go throughout the day. The more panicked i feel the worse they are. My gp said its because i'm hyperventilating but i don't feel like i am.

I've just got myself into a terrible state, i feel highly anxious practically all day every day. My stomach is constantly churning and i feel shaky. I am trying to eat but it just makes me feel so nauseus.