View Full Version : Hello

08-07-11, 12:42
Hi. I am 50 years old (just). I am on my second marriage (just). Started suffering when I was about 20. It took many years of therapy and pills to get it right. About 15 years ago my life started to turn round and I began to have less negative thoughts. I faced a lot of my fears and overcame many of them. I went from a total recluse to someone to lead childrens groups, managed a building company, acted etc. There were a few things that I couldn't bring myself to do. That was using public transport and travelling abroad. I did have some anxiety but this was only occassionally instead of constantly.
The only trouble is it has all come back. Last Wednesday night I woke up in a panic and instead of keeping control I lost it. I phoned NHS direct who talked me back into a fairly calm state. I went back to sleep but felt really awful the next day. I phoned the doctors the next day and asked if I could increase my Seroxat and she said yes and prescribed Diazipam and Temazipan.
Cutting a long story short I have stopped taking the diazipam as I don't like the spaced out feeling. I take two Temzipan during the night. I am shaky most of the day and do not have any apetite. I have been a bit better the last two days as I have managed to keep myself fairly occupied.
I think this has all been brought about because my Son's graduation ceremony is happing next week and it is over 5 hours drive away. He has bought tickets but I only sit in aisle seats and these are allocated. I will have to meet my Ex-husband. My current husband cannot go as there are not enough tickets. He is willing to come with me and wait outside but I am still anxious. My doctor said that I am ill and should not go. I feel I am giving in to the panic. My dilemma is what to do? Have not told my son how I am feeling.

08-07-11, 12:44
Hi cromford

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.