View Full Version : Please help, so scared.

28-04-06, 11:35
Im in desperate need of reassurance right now, got an interview to get into uni at 1.30 & im getting so worked up, tried 2 keep busy all morning but its getting closer. I dont even think i can leave the house in this state let alone get through an interview, i feel so sick & panicky & cant stop crying as im so scared.
Sorry to be negative but in terrified
Suzy xx:(

28-04-06, 12:05
suzy, sorry your feeling sp wound up about this,it is difficult i know when u have anxiety to deal with on top of other things.
When i had my job interview i told them the truth, i suppose i just thought best to be honest and hopefully they will see i am a honest person ,hiding no secrets.
To cut a long story short ,i got the job....warts and all.

You can do this! just walk straight in there with the view I can walk out any time with no excuses.

Hope you go and let us know how u get on.


28-04-06, 12:15
hi suzy,

i always find interviews anxious as well.

try your best to go, bring stuff to keep yourself occupied whilst your waiting to be seen. reassure yourself that you will be ok. the first thing i usually say at the intial introductions is how anxious i am feeling, it always seems to help calm me.

good luck with this .. tc andrew

28-04-06, 14:12
Hey there Suzy1984,

So, how did your interview go? I bet you feel so much better knowing that you've done it and it's out of the way.

Any first time situation such as interviews, meetings etc, all bring with them their own amount of stress. Anything that you're not used to doing or is not in your daily routine does make you nervous.

All you have to do is get a handle on those nerves, stick to your guns and go for it.

Easy to say, but with practice and perseverance, you can overcome this.

Going to your interview and seeing it through to the end should now have your brimming with achhievement and confidence. You have achieved something amazing, and all of these experiences are just building blocks to bring you back to yourself.

I hope all went well and wish you all the luck in the world.

You are amazing.

Kindest regards and best wishes.

Jackie xx

If the opportunity doesn't knock .... build a door.

28-04-06, 14:32
suzy i hope you made it. you can only do your best though so no being harsh on your wee self

let us know


28-04-06, 18:20
thankyou all for your replies, well I went to the interview and im still alive, don't know what i thought what would happen to me, I just got in such a state.
Got there late as dad took a wrong turn oops [:I] but at least i didnt have time to dither when i got there, think adrenalin had kicked in by then, they asked me loadsa really hard questions and made me sit a test for an hour & it was horrible and i dont think i did very well but I DID IT!! I think i just proved its possible to do anything if you really try.
Thanks again for your messages of support. Take care
Suzy xx :D

28-04-06, 18:49
well done Suzy!!!! You should be proud of yourself. Hope you get in! Please let us know.