View Full Version : So happy to find you all!

08-07-11, 16:15
Hello everyone,

For the first time in months, I have managed to find some peace in my day. I've been reading through many of the posts on here and it's incredibly comforting to find that there are others out there in a similar situation.

My name is Amelia and I'm 30 years old. I've always been a very nervous person. At university, I used to struggle to read out loud in seminars without breaking out in sweats and hyperventilating. I couldn't eat in restaurants or in front of others because I'd shake uncontrollably, unable to hold a fork or drink. Looking back, I never considered these episodes to be 'panic attacks'. I knew what the triggers were. I was a nervous person who lacked confidence and I was scared of looking stupid or messing something up.However, somehow I managed to conquer it. I went on to become a teacher and life was great.

Then, three months ago, I had a 'real' panic attack and I didn't know what had hit me. Everything was fine, I didn't seem to be stressed about anything and the first one came when I was simply sitting on the sofa watching tv. I have had so many since then and I'm now in the thick of Health Anxiety. Only two nights ago I had the paramedics out because I was convinced I was dying.

I suppose what's thrown me so badly is the fact that they come on so suddenly, out of the blue, with no apparent cause. My husband cannot understand and keeps telling me to snap out of it but I keep trying to explain how physical the symptoms are. In my mind I feel great, which adds to the fear that I really do have a physical condition.

I have two beautiful children but my days (and nights) are consumed by the fear of dying from something awful and leaving them. I'm in a mess!

On a positive note, I have found this website and I'm so grateful for it.
Although even now I'm telling myself that I'll be the one on here who really does have a terrible illness rather than anxiety! I feel like I'm slowly going crazy.

Sorry for babbling on. If you've read this far, thank you, and I'm looking forward to getting to know others.

Amelia x

08-07-11, 16:19
Hi Amelia80

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-07-11, 16:40
Hi amelia :welcome:

I know exactly what you mean by the physical-ness (dunno if thats a real word lol) of the symptoms, i think how can there be nothing wrong with me when i am having a physical sensation? its weird.

I had the paramedics out a few times and been to a&e and been to the doctors more times than i can remember, like you, convinced I am on my way out, and its such a horrible sickening terrifying feeling. And also, like you, this can happen anytime, even when doing something relaxing like watching tv or something. My first one happened whilst i was driving which again isnt a very strenuous activity.

This is such a good place to be with good support and information available. Im sure you will find great comfort here, i know i do. Trust me you are not the only one who thinks you have a serious health problem and not just anxiety, most of us have this fear hence why we are here lol, you are not going crazy i can assure you of that!

Kayleigh x

saffy f
08-07-11, 18:29
Hi Amelia
I haven't long been on here very long either and I have found it a great help.
We can all understand how you feel as we all experience the same things therefore giving us a lot of empathy.
I do know that people who don't suffer with anxiety can't truly understand how it feels,maybe if your husband were to have a little look at this site he might understand a bit more about how you feel.
Good luck and lots of best wishes