View Full Version : I Know Something is Wrong

08-07-11, 16:45
Hello everyone,

I am freaking out so much.

I went to see my GP the other day to discuss my Health Anxiety and what can be done. He suggested have a full MOT in terms of bloods and then we'll talk in 10 days re. counselling or medication.

I got my results back today and the receptionist at my doctors said everything is OK but I need to be retested in 6 months! I asked her what that means and she said one of the tests was borderline!!!! She couldn't say which one.

I had my full blood count, thyroid, cholesterol, anaemia, liver function and B12 tested, plus some others I can't remember. Do you think it could be my cholesterol was slightly higher than normal? It has been in the past. I am so worried it's my blood count and I have cancer!! I have 10 days until I see my doctor and think I will have a break down before then. He won't see me on an urgent appointment before then so I just have to wait. :weep:

Any thoughts would be really appreciated.

Many thanks. x

08-07-11, 16:55
Try not to worry - if it was anything urgent they really would see you and not retest in 6 months! My friend had full bloods done and was told one test was borderline too - turns out his white blood count was a little low and he was told it needed to be re-done in 3 months. He had it done last week and all ok now. I think the same has happened to some other people on NMP with liver enzymes? The dr isn't worried so you shouldn't be xx

08-07-11, 17:00
Hi sh2727, Please try not to worry about your blood results, if there was anything and hopefully he/she will put your mind at rest hope this helps take care xx :hugs:to worry about they would not leave it for another 6 months, but if you are so concerned and can't wait for 10 days, then ring and ask for a telephone consultattion with your gp, explain you need to speak to him as you are very anxious, and hopefully he/she will put your mind at rest. hope this helps. take care and good luck xx :hugs:

08-07-11, 17:19
Sorry your so worried, but, i also think if there was anything really wrong your gp would have had you in to see him straight away and they wouldnt wait as long as 6 months to re-test you again.
Try ringing your surgery like pinkdove says and book a telephone consultation and at least itll put your mind at ease not having to wait as theres nothin worse.
All the best
Take care

08-07-11, 17:26
Yes totally agree with the above, if it was anything urgent or serious they would want to see you now, not in six months. However it's a bit annoying as you went to see your GP about health anxiety and they did not think about that before telling you a test was borderline (I guess the nurses/receptionists don't access your medical records though so they didn't realise)!! I think it would be worth you asking them what test though as others have said so you can put your mind at rest :) But please don't worry.

08-07-11, 17:38
Oh thanks everyone, I am freaking out so much and feel horrible. I guess it's too late to speak to someone now. Strangely I would feel OK if it was anything but my FBC, as I associate this with cancer. If the receptionist told me it was my cholesterol I could cope with that and then I would be able do something about it.

I just know I am going to have a rubbish weekend worrying. :weep:

08-07-11, 18:30
Hi again,

I have just called my doctor, I felt brave enough to do it after reading your supportive comments, and the receptionist said I had borderline low folate serum. Well of course I had no idea what she was on about, but she said it really is nothing to worry about and the doctor was just looking out for me and wants to check it again in 6 months.

So I looked up Folate Serum on Google and it's a B12 deficiency/non-iron anaemia. So basically I need to up my B12 and folate intake.

I feel a lot better, still a bit worried, as of course if you look hard enough you can find that folate serum deficiency can be found in certain cancers, but as my FBC and other tests are OK and this was just borderline I am going to try (!?) and relax.

Many thanks again NMP friends!


08-07-11, 18:37
Glad to hear you are feeling better now you have your test results. Well done for calling back the doctor as you just saved your self weeks off worrying about nothing x i know how that feels :)