View Full Version : Can I ask about what brings on panic

08-07-11, 21:26
When a panic attack happens. How many of you would say it happens because of something you thought of? For example, maybe you have just eaten some nuts and worry you'll suddenly have a reaction and next thing you know, you're in a real state of panic.

Perhaps it may not be an extreme thought. I was wondering if some people's attacks come from thinking, or over thinking themselves into fear. Do some people's come from just nowhere? I wish this was a poll really, because it would be great to know how many would say its spiraling thought and how that starts. Also, what its like for people when it comes out of nowhere.

For me it is thought, generally after or during my heart skipping etc. Other times I worry about the next one and can spiral from mild anxiety to complete panic

08-07-11, 21:53
I've had both over the years.
As you said, I have had attacks come on from worrying about having a reaction to something I've consumed and I've had attacks after worrying about anxiety symptoms (heart attack fears, headache could be a tumor etc).
I have also had attacks come on when the day has gone perfectly smoothly! I think those are the ones that bothered me most because there really isn't any cause to attribute the attack to.

09-07-11, 11:59
Thanks. Its strange how it happens. Mine feels like a post traumatic thing where I remember when the last time my heart went all erratic and the feeling I will faint - suddenly I am gripped by fear of it happening again. Just as i get over it, it DOES actually happen again and I am back to the fear.

09-07-11, 23:37
mine is feeling i will be stuck and not be able to get help but im getting over it now thank god

10-07-11, 01:56
Typer - mine is very similar to yours.

These days my anxiety/panic is triggered by anticipation of a meeting or an event of some kind or something that is in the pipeline that I am expected to go to. It is the weirdest thing, but I am similar to you in so much as I start to panic at the thought of panicking in places where I have experienced panic attacks before, so again, a kind of anticipatory panic where I am expecting to have an attack. I went to a concert last week and spent the whole morning on edge about the crowds and the noise and what if I felt anxious and yet when I was there I was fine.

So weird and frustrating.

I had a big panic attack where I passed out at the hairdressers last year, and everytime I go back I expect to panic again and get so anxious before I go. I am at the stage though that I have been a few times since now and, though anxious beforehand, have been ok when there, but the fear hasn't left me completely.

The thing that I do find though is the more times you make yourself face the anxiety and work through it, the less frightening it gets as your mind starts to recall the time you got through it before. Kind of like building your confidence up again and squashing the anxiety.

It is a slog though, no doubt.:wacko::wacko::wacko:

10-07-11, 02:15
For me more often than not it is a sensation.
feel out of breath>suffocation>panic
Dizzy>I will pass out>panic

or I hope I won't panic on this train> imagining my self having a panic attack>get anxiety symptoms>panic

In phobic situations, like I am claustrophobic, so if I am in a crowd and it gets tighter I automatically hyperventilate.
That the worst about phobia, you skip the thinking process and go straight to panic :(
The only way to cure it is desensitization.

10-07-11, 02:42
My panic attacks I used to think were brought on by nothing. Now after reading the health anxiety article on this site I realise that id have a funny feeling, pain etc. Them boom panic attack. I also have panic attacks (as I still have them pretty regular) if my sister walks/is anywhere on her own. She's 16 & I'm 19 and I constantly panic and think shell get kidnapped, robbed etc.
My CBT therapist who I've started seeing says panic attacks feed off any fear in the body, its like a demon, if you don't present it with fear it cannot happen! They are a pain, i hate them and wish I could control my anxiety. Hopefully the councillor us not a dud!
Sammie xo

10-07-11, 06:37
my apnic attacks normally always come from my thoughts and fears ...i also have health anx bad so yes! mine comes from thoughts...take care

10-07-11, 21:09
I'm usually fine as long as I'm in the house, I tend to only get panic attacks now when I go out. I'm ok with my husband because he is very calm and reassuring - he is my 'safe' person - but if I'm going out with my parents, I start getting worried before we even leave the house. I think it's because they're not very calm and don't handle me very well if I do get anxious, which can wind me up quite easily. It's very strange because I feel like I should trust them, but I just don't for some reason.

The reason I get nervous going out in the first place is because I'm afraid of having a panic attack away from home. I'm scared I'll pass out, be sick or have a bad tummy (without access to a loo) and this terrifies me. I'm a lot better than I was with this. The more times I go out and nothing bad happens, the more confident I become. It is definitely my thoughts that trigger my feelings. My counsellor likens it to Lord of the Rings and tells me to ignore my Gollum and listen to my Smeagol!

10-07-11, 22:25
Post removed by author

13-07-11, 22:01
Chris I read some of your post, but need more time. Looks good and helpful.

Thanks everyone. For me it is thoughts and I can see I am not alone. I wake up thinking of negative and even scary things. Must work on this