View Full Version : Left arm and chest pain

08-07-11, 23:48
For the past week or so ive been having pains in the left of my chest (mostly where my heart is) and my left arm has been achey and keep getting shooting pains in my wrist. Any ideas what this might be? I'm so worried it's my heart! I have had them before and I've had loads of ECGs over the last year and all but one were ok and after having two 24 hour holter monitors I was told that my heart does skip beats but everything else is normal... so what's causing these pains again?! My symptoms are:

Sharp pains in left of chest above breast and sometimes in the centre (can happen even when lay down relaxing)
Aching left arm
Shooting pains in left wrist
Fluttery feeling in left of chest

09-07-11, 00:19
Please be assured that pain in the left over the heart does not mean heart attack.

09-07-11, 00:35
you must be going out of your mind with worry
but thats what is causing these pains whats started as a small pain has been worsened by panic and then lead your imagination to do what it was designed to do...wander!
Please focus on life and living, then see if the pains go away if they dont, then go back to your GP and explain everything.
Im quite certain youre okay :)

09-07-11, 10:42
you must be going out of your mind with worry
but thats what is causing these pains whats started as a small pain has been worsened by panic and then lead your imagination to do what it was designed to do...wander!
Please focus on life and living, then see if the pains go away if they dont, then go back to your GP and explain everything.
Im quite certain youre okay :)

Thank you for your reply :) I've been trying my best to just ignore them but yesterday it all just got too much. I keep telling myself its just anxiety but sometimes it's really hard to believe it! x

09-07-11, 11:21
hi, hope your doing ok, i have the same on and off for a long time, left shoulder pain, wrist pain stabbing pain inner elbow, upper arm, chest pain, i really thought i was havin a heart attack, scared the hell out of me, be positive, will ease in time, take care

09-07-11, 11:47
hi, hope your doing ok, i have the same on and off for a long time, left shoulder pain, wrist pain stabbing pain inner elbow, upper arm, chest pain, i really thought i was havin a heart attack, scared the hell out of me, be positive, will ease in time, take care

Thanks angie :) just knowing someone else has the same and is still here makes me feel a whole lot better! I hate anxiety! It does awful things to us! Take care x

09-07-11, 11:50
i had this when i quit smoking, so i was naturally worried
went to gp and she said that i had a blocked lymph node in my left armpit and this was causing the pain in the arm and a small strain in the chest.

hope this helps x

09-07-11, 17:47
no problem at all
ive been having chest pains too which is frightening because ive not had any panic attacks, i feel like im going off my head sometimes
Anyways, i hope youre okay and can move on from this :)

09-07-11, 23:21
Wow! After reading that I'm amazed because just over 2 years ago I had those EXACT same symptoms as you. I never found out what it was. And it went away on it's own. I still get the odd stabbing pain in my chest, but very rarely now, and not half as bad as it was. Mine seemed to start with the chest pain, and the other symptoms all stemmed from that, which I eventually put down to stress/anxiety. Hope this eases your worries a little. :)

09-07-11, 23:46
i get exactly the same thing my doctor told me when ever i feel like im having a heart attack or thing i am i should run up and down the stairs 6 mths later im still here with a tight chest but allot fitter though try it it does work if it was a heart attack u would no by now :)