View Full Version : what is this ?? had it al day :(

09-07-11, 00:02
had a sore belly all day dunno what it is at first just thought it was my ibs going crazy again i look 9months pregnant & felt the wind all moving around, cant stop trumping :O( anyway will tell you what i feel - raw sickly feeling that started just below ribs in center (get this all the time) and now its a raw horrible sickly feeling just sitting on my belly button right across left & right, burning horrible taste in throat, lower back pains & on sides, its like a heavy feeling just above belly button & a heavy type feeling just above pubic area, constipation, burning on & off between shoulder blades, noises from belly, all ive eaten today is 2 small rounds of toast at 6am some toblerlone, then 2pieces of bacon on a barm, a fries from mcdonalds and another bar choc and some jellys :( (all wrong things as i do suffer with acid but am really freaking out with it i hate it so much what is wrong with me i wont sleep all night now cos i feel like this and am shattered am having all neg thinking that i have eaten to much and will be sick etc :(

09-07-11, 00:08
Honey - you are so naughty and you know what all of this is. Crap diet, bad eating habits, indigestion, IBS etc.

You just aren't learning really are you?:winks:

09-07-11, 01:15
Aw sorry to hear your belly is swollen from the wind, it doesn't happen to me but I have seen it on a health show and looks very painful :(
I found deep warm baths can help shift some of the wind.
It really sounds like IBS with some indigestion and heart burn.

09-07-11, 06:26
Honey - you are so naughty and you know what all of this is. Crap diet, bad eating habits, indigestion, IBS etc.

You just aren't learning really are you?:winks:

I've been doing great with all the eating i now even eat fruit & veg which i never used to do :D and my stomach is coming up no matter what i do x x

macc noodle
09-07-11, 06:55
Aw sweetie - sorry you are suffering so much.

First of all - don't beat yourself up about having a crap eating day, just resolve that today no matter how you feel you will eat the good stuff!

Secondly, lots of water today too.

The less you eat and drink the more your stomach will rebel and the problem will continue!!

Thirdly, try not to worry about it too much it does sound like an IBS flare up to be honest.


Macc Noodle

09-07-11, 12:05
Hi, I had a terrible night last night, cos I was very lazy and couldn't be bothered to eat healthily :( As I lay in bed with my anxiety sky high, in the grip of yet another horrific panic attack, I so wished I had been more disciplined with myself... I had omelette and chips for dinner, followed by a chocolate n cream dessert, then a packet of crisps! :( Then I lie in my bed feeling like I'm dying and/or my stomach is gonna explode!!! The sad reality is Honey, that once we are aware that we need to be kind to our bodies, we shouldn't then be at all surprised if our bodies are not kind to us when we treat them badly :( Have you read up on what you need to do to heal yourself? Sometimes we need to be proactive about our health... I know I do :)

10-07-11, 23:31
Hi, I had a terrible night last night, cos I was very lazy and couldn't be bothered to eat healthily :( As I lay in bed with my anxiety sky high, in the grip of yet another horrific panic attack, I so wished I had been more disciplined with myself... I had omelette and chips for dinner, followed by a chocolate n cream dessert, then a packet of crisps! :( Then I lie in my bed feeling like I'm dying and/or my stomach is gonna explode!!! The sad reality is Honey, that once we are aware that we need to be kind to our bodies, we shouldn't then be at all surprised if our bodies are not kind to us when we treat them badly :( Have you read up on what you need to do to heal yourself? Sometimes we need to be proactive about our health... I know I do :)

How do u heal yourself ?

10-07-11, 23:36
That's what am like I eat all the wrong things on some days then I can go days eating great without pains / burning etc but today I have eaten bacon (cooked in oil) then had some chicken & roast potatoes (also cooked in oil) so all greasy foods and now am paying for it :( with the horrible burning just below ribs in center right up to my throat just a horrible sickly hot feeling :(