View Full Version : Worried about symptoms

09-07-11, 00:27
Hi I'm new to this site and wondering if anyone can relate to my symptoms as I'm not sure 100% as they are due to anxiety. Currently I have the following
Sticky lips
Sore upper mouth
Tingling tongue
Itchy feel at the back of the throat
Lump feeling in throat
Burping (sometimes)
Nausea (rarely)
Funny taste in mouth

I have been suffering from some anxiety problems in the past few months and am slowly trying to overcome them. The above symptoms vary during the day, but the lump feeling in the throat has gone now. I also wake up with a funny taste in my mouth. So far I have had a Barium Swallow which as I haven't heard back from was fine, and have seen a dentist who says my mouth looks healthy. My mouth feels like its dry, but it isn't which is strange. Can anyone relate?:)

09-07-11, 00:33
Hi and :welcome:

Have a read of this it may help:


10-07-11, 17:06
Dryness, or a feeling of, in the mouth is often linked to anxiety. If you had a lump in your throat feeling and now it's gone that definately signals to me anxiety symptom, especially as it's now gone!
I can't entirely relate but I've had the lump feeling in the past, also a dry mouth and definately burping! I hope you start to feel much better soon.

10-07-11, 21:24
Dryness, or a feeling of, in the mouth is often linked to anxiety. If you had a lump in your throat feeling and now it's gone that definately signals to me anxiety symptom, especially as it's now gone!
I can't entirely relate but I've had the lump feeling in the past, also a dry mouth and definately burping! I hope you start to feel much better soon.

Hi ViolentWings thanks for your reply! It makes me feel better knowing that Im not the only one who has to go through this and that others have successfully got through it. Im no longer suffering from these anxiety problems, how long will it be before my symptoms clear totally?

10-07-11, 23:04
Hi ViolentWings thanks for your reply! It makes me feel better knowing that Im not the only one who has to go through this and that others have successfully got through it. Im no longer suffering from these anxiety problems, how long will it be before my symptoms clear totally?

Hey, glad to be of help! Glad you're not suffering from those problems right now, well as for when they clear I think it varies from person to person, and also whether you're on meds for it, but if they're on the way out I'd say look up and keep going! You should find they just drop away as you concentrate on other things in life, and go for a positive approach. All the best to you :)