View Full Version : Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!

09-07-11, 00:52
Yes I know I post TOO much but I have to ask as im in a bit of shock today. Im only 56 and feel like crap everyday. I get up and hurt all over I try to exercise during the day. I take walks and work in the garden and try to keep busy but lately I have been hurting in my back and in my arms and my neck and legs and sides and chest and just generally hurt all over. It doesnt matter what I do I have some kind of aches and pains all over me.

I hate taking meds and so I wait to the very last minute until I cant take it anymore and take ibprofen. What has happened to me? A few short years it seems I have gone from a relative non hurting active human being to a walking talking aching complaing person. Is theses aches and pains really normal for someone my age? Please please if you feel the way I do ,please post here. Im really upset ,and feel like what is theuse inliving feeling this bad all the time? Please help me feel better somehow? Please?

09-07-11, 01:08
Yes you do but I understand why you do :)
I am only 24 and I feel like crap every day too.
It may help if I tell you why?
I have an old back injury so I get mild back pain every day. My muscles are very weak, I mean seriously weak it isn't funny, I was diagnosed with underdeveloped muscle but no reason as to why .
I have no arches in my feel, you know flat feet. At about age 10 I was in too much pain to even walk. I tried all different type of arch supports but they only made them cramp up which hurt.
After a day of walking my feel and legs will ache and makes it hard to sleep.
I also have TMJ so get a lot of jaw pain and headaches.
I never really realized how much all of this sucks until I started asking my friends if their feet or back hurt after a day of being out and about, they said no :(
Sometimes I ask my friends to carry my bags because my arms and back will hurt.
I'm always the one leaning against a wall because I'm too tired to stand up for long periods of time!
There are a lot of jobs that I cannot due due to my back issue.

Can I ask what sort of pain you get? I guess because you are used to being strong and not in pain that you notice it much more than I do and you feel some what limited by it?
I have recently bought a new bed, my other one was 10 years old, so I am hoping that will stop the aches and pains I keep waking up with.
If you have any issues with the arches in your feet that can cause your feet,legs,hips and back to hurt. Arch supports might help.
do you have any theories as to what might be causing your pain?
it could be anxiety maybe if you tense your muscles a lot?
Maybe this is a normal part of aging?
Heck my 80 year old grandmother is stronger than me! :)

Also take omega 3 is seems to be great even from what scientists say :)

09-07-11, 01:24
Mishel I know .....Seems like everyone older than me feels better. My bet friends mom comes by to see us and visit and walk around the yard looking. She is 93 and never acts like she is in pain. I know my mom had aot of pain all her life.,maybe its genetic. She had me at 36 so my earliest memories was about when she was in her forties and she lways seem to hurt. Somehow I thought I would be immune to her pain...not so.I also can identify with no arches. I dont have any either and went to the cripple childrens clinic when I was young and always had to wear corrective shoes. I use to have people ask me why I dragged my feet and I told them my feet hurt all the time. My mind has blocked it out all these years and I havent worn the right kind of shoes in many years but I guess I have forgotten that.

I have used my back all my life and always been so strong ,I guess I was spoiled with good health for so many years,its just made me a little worried that I dont feel as good as I used to. Yes I feel like Im so limited because I cannot do the things I used to and I know I cannot. I just started feeling really bad this year so I guess that is what has got me upset.Yes im sure the tension has also heightened my pain so I am trying to lern to relax.Sleeping? What is that? I lay down to sleep around 2am but never go to sleep until about 4am till 6am . I dont know what the problem is and we have a sleep number bed but it doesnt help and also have special pillows but thatvdoesnt help either. I am just so shocked at how run down I have become so quickly.

09-07-11, 16:01
Hi know just how you feel, im 59 have chronic arthritis in spine knees and now i think in shoulders plus H.A never ending just keep smiling take care :D

10-07-11, 00:03
I am just so appalled by what I feel. I never ever had thoughts that when I got older I would feel the way I do,and to go so quickly down hill. As I said simply unbelievable thatI could go from a person full of vitality that was strong as a ox to a person that cant walk over a block without legs and hips cramping. Someone that never believed in staying still to a person that never goes anywhere. A person that just three years ago could unload a trailer full of hay and ride a fourwheeler out in the mountains at such a high altitude that most people couldnt even breathe in yet never have any respitory problems then. This person has travled all over the world ,explored remote parts of the world where there were no doctors but now he sits and reads about others adventures and would never venture that far from doctors or hospitals.

Its funny I have been like most of you and still am. I worry about dying but Im starting to wonder why I do. It seems that I looked forward to getting older to do the things I wanted to do but now that I can I dont feel like it. Im starting to rethink the dying thing.

Should I worry now? Im not sure...why should I care about living a life where you are not a part of life anymore? Its irony. You are terrifed so much about living that you worry yourself into getting older and then when you are older you dont feel alive anymore and you just sit and watch the world go by....Anyway I read an article today about boomers that were born between 1946 and 1963,,, there are so many of us now that we are getting to be the minority of senior citizens. We built theworld catered to youth which we all found out that we wouldnt be young forever and now we are the old people and the younger generation is revolving around a bunch of senior citizens. Our citites are built for the young people and their familes ,it seems boomers all thought we would never get old,but guess what? We are...so im thinking maybe death isnt something you should be afraid of. Maybe its there for a reason. I guess my shock comes from thinking I was immune to age and would never experience what seniors use to complain to me.

10-07-11, 03:56
The older I get, and I'm only a few years behind you, the more I realize that I should enjoy each and every day. No one is promised tomorrow. Do not let fear rob you of enjoying your life. My dad always told me and still tells me "there is always something that will rob you of your joy, if you let it"

10-07-11, 05:59
You are all so correct. My mother always had a saying too. She said when I talked of dying...." Son im going to live till I die" I guess that is kind of the same :) Thank you for you thoughts

11-07-11, 22:40
That post was funny:)))) besides I already have. sleep number bed:)))

11-07-11, 22:57
Sleep number bed??!!??!!
Ha ha ha ha ha

11-07-11, 23:03
Yes didnt you see the person spamming me in previous post? Thought it hilarious because I already have a sleep number bed:)))