View Full Version : Public toilets

09-07-11, 01:12
I am sure I am not alone. I cannot pee in a public toilet without going through some rituals...

1) hands over ears, block out sound
2) hum to myself under my breath
3) bear down on my bladder with my stomach muscles
4) flex pelvic floor muscles repeatedly, quickly

and if I need a number two... oh god...

1) toilet paper wadded into the bowl
2) slow, barely pressured bowel movements in case I make a bad noise
3) hands over ears in case it 'plops' loudly
4) super fast clean up and outta there without once breathing through my nose just in case I have a reason to die of embarrassment...

09-07-11, 03:25
Hi Marie

I'm not that keen on public toilets myself. Do you find it easier if there is no one else in at all? I prefer to be on my own when using and also for the toilets to be well cleaned. I hate them when they are busy and dirty.

I had a stomach problem years ago which meant I had to go rather frequently for no.2s. I remember being in a cubicle and someone being in the one next to me. Both of us sat in silence. I thought, I'll hang on until he's finished and gone, but the silence just went on and on. The state of my stomach was bad, I mean really bad at the time. The pain was by now just unbearable and I felt in danger of passing out never mind passing a motion. I reluctantly gave in and allowed the endless thunderous stinky gaseous racket to just explode into the pan. I heard a restrained chuckling from the cubicle next door and well, kinda had to laugh myself really. I cleaned myself up and left, the other door still shut and silent again. I thought, well, that's about as bad as it gets. I never really worried about it so much after that :D.


09-07-11, 08:41
Hi Marie

I'm not that keen on public toilets myself. Do you find it easier if there is no one else in at all? I prefer to be on my own when using and also for the toilets to be well cleaned. I hate them when they are busy and dirty.

I had a stomach problem years ago which meant I had to go rather frequently for no.2s. I remember being in a cubicle and someone being in the one next to me. Both of us sat in silence. I thought, I'll hang on until he's finished and gone, but the silence just went on and on. The state of my stomach was bad, I mean really bad at the time. The pain was by now just unbearable and I felt in danger of passing out never mind passing a motion. I reluctantly gave in and allowed the endless thunderous stinky gaseous racket to just explode into the pan. I heard a restrained chuckling from the cubicle next door and well, kinda had to laugh myself really. I cleaned myself up and left, the other door still shut and silent again. I thought, well, that's about as bad as it gets. I never really worried about it so much after that :D.


lol tyke thats a funny story! :roflmao:

09-07-11, 11:42
i cover my ears, even when at home x

10-07-11, 00:37
I freak out in a public loo - if no ones in there I leave the door unlocked & wedge my foot on the door! If people are about I tend to check the lock several times to make sure I'm not going to get locked in - then force the wee out as quick as possible in a total panic & then wash hands in a frenzy before finding the hand dryer strangly conforting and relaxing at the end of my ordeal :yahoo:

10-07-11, 01:58
Hands over ears , So I can pretend I'm 100% alone,
Toilet paper in bowel so people won't hear me pee,
Deep breaths so I can try and relax enough to go,

I can't pee when people are anywhere near the bathroom, just feels like a very private thing to me.
Always had this problem since I was a child, it made school such a nightmare, I did find a secret bathroom in high school, it was through a little room so no one else knew it was there.

Oh just remembered school tours! The bathroom on the bus, I think I tried 3 times to use it but couldn't and I really had to go!

Daisy I will only lock certain locks, and check the lock is ok before I use it.
Got stuck in a bathroom at school once but managed to climb out through the gap in the top.