View Full Version : Strange head feeling

09-07-11, 14:47
Hi everyone,

Im a 17 year old male and have suffered from anxiety for the last 12 months. Up until 4 months ago i was constantly worried about having a heart condition and frequently had the physical symptom of chest pain, however for the last 4 months ive been having these weird whooshing sensations going through my head EVERYDAY. Its not like lightheadness because its never felt like the room is spinning and i dont sway, lose balance or feel like im gonna faint etc. It lasts for a second or two. Ive recently started wearing glasses and it appears to go away with them on. However as soon as i take them off its back again!!! Im seriously worried i have a brain tumour or something nasty like that :( also if i distract my mind it goes and as soon as it enters my mind the physical symptom comes back. All help is really appreciated thankyou :)

09-07-11, 14:58
Have you had your eyes tested recently and if so did optician say go get scan, no then the chances are that its your eyes causing the feeling, with new glasses it can do that to me and takes a while to get used to them.

09-07-11, 15:04
They were happening for two months then my mom took me up for a eye test where we found i was long sighted and we told the option about the 'whooshing' and she said sounds like eye strain. But i told my mom it was still happening and she just says they take a while to get used to

09-07-11, 15:17
And Mum is right and because you are long sighted it takes longer, my OH says I dont like to wear them cause they give me head rush when I take them off and he doesnt suffer anxiety so it is a physical thing and Opti man can see brain tumours cause my doc sent me to get eyes checked when I went with head aches and he said no brain but no tumour showing either headaches nearly gone.

09-07-11, 15:27
Plus mom says thats youd need more than one symptom for a brain tumour (not sure if this is correct) but i cant seem to get it out my mind and its ruining my life :(

10-07-11, 19:01
I get these sometimes. I'm waiting for new glasses but I quite often get them when I'm laying down with my eyes closed so I'm not sure if mine are eye-related.
However I am positive this isn't a brain tumour - a lot of the time, the first symptoms a person has with a brain tumour are fits. You'd be suffering from severe headaches and there would be countless other things. Plus, opticians are very good at picking up on conditions like that so having had an eye test recently should offer you some reassurance.
Hope you feel better soon :)

14-07-11, 16:26
I do also get twitches but im told thats anxiety aswell? What would these fits be like?

17-07-11, 10:13
I went through a stage of thinkin about brain tumors. I stll havnt totally got it out my mind but its all fine. Just need to relax and i know its eas said than done. I know in a way not totally convinced but once i went doctors well emergency and was told depressiona nd anxiety when i went home i didnt feel as dizzy. Therefiore i had abit of reaasurance and my dizzyness went a little. Only a little but it was a start and indication,m if you understand. I had really bad headaches, constant. Thats when i got worried. Alot of head pressure. I was prescribed strong tables that got rid of it. And ive only took 2 of them sincei got them a week ago. I realised i was givi myself a headache. Thinkin over thinking. My eyes are funny and it scares me so im goin askin to get then checked. I think its just all that comes with the package. Apparently i have good sight but somethin deeper is going on i think so i think once i get reasurance it will get even better :)

17-07-11, 16:47
Im 18 and i suffer really bad with these head whooshes aswell, it could be to do with your eyes but with me its just because i get anxious really easy and so i start to feel funny, its different with everyone. Dont keep those thoughts of brain tumour in your head cause your anxiety won't ease up if you do! I know its hard and easier said than done :/

17-07-11, 22:35
Its not my head any more!!! Im now worried about these leg twitches/jerks i had them for around a month happening say once every 4 days and now im stressing out about them its everyday!! Just shows that its anxiety really but i cant seem to escape the brain tumour thought :(

25-07-11, 08:03
Here's all my symptoms these are everyday but go away when i distract my mind which i find hard to do;
Occasional light-headedness
Occasional mild sharp pain in head
Occasional twitch

It all sounds like anxiety to me

25-07-11, 12:56
I've been having my left upper eyelid twitch since last thursday. And it was just after what I think was a migraine. My vision feels a mess but I can't specifically put a finger on what's up with it. I feel a bit woozy and sometimes a bit like I have sort of room spin. Not actual spinning just a bit wishy washy. I'm going for an eye test this afternoon which I'm anxious about and I don't know why

30-07-11, 11:33
Heya guys, thanks for all your help made me feel better i was starting to get better e.g. felt more happy and symptoms had reduced. However its all flared back up after a little thing happened which everyone says is perfectly natural but im convinced or blacked out (seizure worry)i was doing some voluntary work at a school at and was watching a play, i was extermely bored,tired and hot, all of a sudden i felt like i went to sleep for literally 3-4 seconds, as we all i have anxiety issues so i felt a bit lightheaded before (normal for me) and had woke up a bit lightheaded and had a bit of a panic attack for a minute or two then i felt quite refreshed, what to you think? All my family says i just slept