View Full Version : Memory Problems

Miss Pink
28-04-06, 14:29

I wonder if anyone has had the same probs as me lately or any advice.

I can't seen to remember things as well as I could before. For example, I'm sitting at work and I couldn't really tell you what I have done this morning. I keep worrying about it as everything seems hazy - days roll into one another and if you asked me what I did last night I can kind of remember what I did, but not actually doing it (if that makes sense! I know I watched Eastenders, but don't remember much about it)

It's a bit like when you've had a drink and you're not actually aware of what you've just done. I've read about de-realisation - could this be it? I've been coping beter with my Anxiety & Panic Attack's , so why is this still lingering?

Any help would be great :D

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

28-04-06, 14:36
pink is this anything like brain fag that claire weekes mentions?

also i know i forget the odd thing i think that l.like our mind our brain tires of the constant thought and fears it is bombarded with every day by us that it gets a bit tired and forgetful. this is temporary though and will only last if u focus on it

try not to, easier said than done i know


existential crisis
28-04-06, 14:56
Pink - you have just described me! I'm glad I read your post because that's exactly what I'm like too. The sensible side of me tells me its a combo of d/p and being too focused on the anxiety thing to take anything else in. Have a read of my post if you like...hopefully it will reassure you like yours has reassured me. Clare. xxx

Advice please...? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9770)

*I think, therefore I am.*

28-04-06, 20:22
oh my gosh, I was just going to post about this. I seriously am having memory issues also! Exacly like you described Pink. I also feel that lately I am just stupid. I used to be known as being smart, but that is no longer the case, I think I am seen to be an airhead. Just yesterday, for some reason I had believed that my psychologist appointment was at 4:30, when it was really at 4:00. I have been going for a few months now, always at 4:00. I showed up at 4:30, and he was like so what happened? I was like what are you talking about? I had to check my appointment book before I could believe that it was really suposed to be at 4:00. I have been panicky about this... b/c I used to be known for my remarkable memory. I guess anxiety can do strange things to you. Just know you arnt alone !

Heidi :)

29-04-06, 01:01
Well I think a lot of us get this. It's just typical of anxiety or depression. I think it's because we lose concentration a lot and don't take things in properly

Shiv x

29-04-06, 09:12
I agree with everything you have all said. Do you also find that you can't remember how to spell things ? I used to be pretty good, but now even when I write it down correct It still doesn't look right sometimes so I have to check in the dictionary, and don't you feel silly sometimes when someone stops to say hello and for a split second you can't remember their name ? I feel so stupid. I put it down to an age thing. (50 something!)

Jenny xxxxxx

29-04-06, 13:05
darling i tell you what, you arnt the only one as you can se. ..my memory is so bad that at times i cant even remember the most simple things, i leave bags places, i forget to ring people back, i cant remember names.. god im really bad.
We are all so pre-occupied in our minds that we become so forgetful.. because we are constantly worrying about our symptoms and our fears..RIGHT.
This will go when your anxiety lessons and you conquer this battle love, and you will like we all will one day.


30-04-06, 00:43
Hi all,

I thought it was just me. I forget things like, when Ive done things (for example; if I went out on a tuesday and then a couple of days later someone asks me about it...I cant remember) I agree, it must be because we are so pre-occupied in our minds.

Vickie x

02-05-06, 01:56
i get it as well and some times i have bad spells of focusing on the task at hand as well somtimes i fill as if i was stoned like i smoked pot but i havnt touched that stuff in many years..