View Full Version : Loud Yawns

09-07-11, 17:05
Hi everyone!
I have been diagnosed with anxiety which has led to major depression. I have been living with this disease for ages but unfortunately picked up too late.

My MAIN issue: Whenever I try to concentrate on reading,listening or watching something which can increase my knowledge(like reading newspaper, listening to the news, reading office e-mails), I start yawning very loudly. This saps all my energy and basically drains me of all my energy. I get water in my eyes and need to lie down to rest to recover. After a few minutes(10-15) of rest, I get normal again but this keeps on happening again and again. I am deeply frustrated and annoyed at this repeated occurrence. I shudder to read the newspaper or listen to the news as I believe this can set off what I have described just above. I am a post graduate in science and an MBA. This started happening during the second trimester of my MBA. As in MBA, we know that you have to give a lot of presentations and public speeches and be part of many projects. I was pathetic in all these activities and did not contribute to any group project or presentation. I don't have many friends. In fact I've just one and he now has moved away. The only support that I have is my parents. i have a brother but he is in the States and is working. I have just joined a very good company but unfortunately could not contribute enough during the first month. Its is a sales job where I have to go and meet people and tell them about our products and make sales numbers happen every month. I believe I am not good in communicating with people and this job is all about communication. The reason that I took this job is that it allows me flexibility where I don't have to go to office everyday and interact with other colleagues. Its not that I don't want to interact, i am dying to make friends(mix up with people) but I haven't been able to do that since school. i didn't make a single friend in school. in fact, i was an irate kid who use to lose temper very easily and was very tense and studious and good in studies. But gradually as i have approached higher classes, my grades have gone down and my confidence has taken a beating. My confidence, self-esteem is shattered and I don't really think in a positive way about myself. I want to do my job but there is no excitement within me to do it, its just because I have to do it that I am doing it. But its a very simple job as far as job content is concerned. Because typically MBA's expected to give analysis, projections of data using complex algorithms, data analysis tools: The sort of thing I struggled with IMMENSELY during my MBA.

MEDICATION: As I said I was first diagnosed with this disease during my MBA(2 & 1/2 years ago). During that time I did not know much about the disease and whenever an anti-depressant(AD) was prescribed to me, i took it for a week and left it because of the side-effects. Since then almost 2 years, I ignored this disease and did not take any medication. I went on a holiday abroad and was fine and then worked for a while away from home for almost a year. Now i have changed jobs(the previous job was also a sales job in a different company) and been at home for almost 4 months. During these months my condition has severely worsened. I cannot read the newspaper or listen to the news as I could earlier. But i have noticed a conspicuous change in my condition since coming home, it has worsened significantly. i have been on ADs for almost 3 & 1/2 months now but nothing has worked.

Month April: Venlafaxine (Effexor) for 3 weeks then left it.
From 30th April till present : Bupropion (Wellbutrin SR)-300mg/day
From 9th June till present : Escitalopram (Beginning with 10mg and steadily increasing(2.5mg at regular intervals) to now 15mg/day.

Nothing has worked till now and my condition has exacerbated. i am anxious about losing my job. I can't interact with people freely and cannot make FRIENDS. I need urgent help and advise to get my life back on track.


09-07-11, 17:07
Hi ted151

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-07-11, 17:23
Hi ted and welcome!
This site has been really helpful for me and everyone is lovely.
Good luck with your journey to recovery